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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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"Honestly, I think she's been drugged. She's still conscious. She just needs some looking after and will be better in the morning," he said setting Chyna uneasily back on her feet. She took one step forward giving Lexi the faintest burst of energy and then slumped back into the man's arms.

"Oh my God! She's been drugged. Like roofied?" Lexi asked hysterical. "How could this happen?"

"Can we get her somewhere safe first?" he asked obviously worrying about her safety first and foremost.

"Oh you're right. Hold on," Lexi cried punching a number on her cell phone. Less than a minute later, Chyna's town car was pulling around the corner. Her driver parked and hopped out anxious to see that his beautiful celebutante was all but dead. The two laid her down carefully in the backseat before diving in after her.

"I'm Adam. Sorry about your friend," he said consolingly slumping back against the leather interior.

"Lexi," she managed a half-smile in his direction as an introduction. "What happened?" Lexi asked brushing hair out of Chyna's face and staring at her with a worried look on her face.

"I don't know everything really. She was dancing with some guy. When I finally noticed something was off, he was nearly carrying her out of the backdoor. She wasn't quite this bad then, but she was a mess for sure. I politely told him to back the f**k off or I'd deck him. He didn't listen," he explained calmly.

"Wow how did you know she was drugged?" Lexi asked her eyes wide with admiration for Chyna's savior.

"My girlfriend…uh ex-girlfriend," he said sighing heavily, "it happened to her a couple months ago. Same signs." He shrugged it off as if it meant nothing, but Lexi could see the hurt take over his features. She knew that feeling and could empathize with his pain even if she didn't know the whole situation.

"Wha…what happened with your girlfriend?" Lexi asked cautiously.

"She was fine. The next morning she had a killer headache, but other than that she was fine," he said avoiding the second part of the question.

"Oh, well that's reassuring," Lexi said letting them fall into silence as the town car took them through the city traffic. Lexi gripped Chyna's unresponsive hand in her own and prayed that Adam was right. Her friend would be alright by the morning and things would be back to the way they were supposed to be.

"Hey," Adam said reaching out cautiously and touching her knee. "Try not to blame yourself."

"Blame myself?" Lexi squeaked out.

"I did. It doesn't help. It was just a mistake, alright? Nothing you could have done," he said sitting back once more and staring forward.

Lexi nodded knowing he was right. There was no way to know that sleaze ball was going to drug her friend. They had been out together a million and a half times and nothing like this had ever happened. What were the chances that tonight of all nights it would happen? That it would ever happen?

When they stopped in front of Chyna's building, Bernard rushed forward to help them, but Adam insisted that he could handle it. Bernard looked at Lexi skeptically obviously wondering if it was appropriate to be leaving her with a perfect stranger. Under different circumstances it would have made Lexi laugh that Bernard was concerned about something like that since Chyna brought a whole lot of strangers back here. Tonight was not under different circumstances though.

Adam carried her up to her room and deposited her on the bed. He left the room allowing Lexi to change Chyna into more comfortable clothes. She then tucked her under the covers and left her there to sleep off whatever was put into her system.

"Are you sure we shouldn't take her to the hospital?" Lexi asked anxiously.

"I think she'll be fine honestly. If I was worried, then I would have already taken her there. I think she just needs to sleep it off," Adam told her standing in the middle of the living room rather comfortably.

Lexi was a bit surprised about this since most people who saw Chyna's extravagance were either amazed or incredibly uncomfortable. "Is there any way we can repay you for what you did?" Lexi asked knowing for some reason that he would never take money even though he could tell Chyna had plenty of it.

"Absolutely not. I would have done the same for anyone," he reassured her.

"Are you sure?"

"Look if you want to do something for me, then take my number and let me know how she's doing in the morning. I'd feel like a real dick if she was really hurt and I didn't do anything about it," he said running his hand through his shaggy, dirty, blonde hair.

Lexi smiled for the first time since she had found Chyna in the condition she was in. They exchanged numbers and Lexi showed him out the door. "Thanks again," she said just before closing the door behind him.

She couldn't believe the night that she was having. But it really put things in perspective. What if something had happened to her or what if their relationship faltered because of it? Isn't that what Adam had alluded to in the car? He and his girlfriend had suffered because of this. It wasn't worth it to wait around and hope that everything was going to be better when so much could come crashing down on your life. She needed to take action. She needed to do something to make sure this wasn't a climactic moment in her life.

Falling backwards onto the leather sofa, Lexi kicked her heels off and then dug around in her purse for her cell phone. Finding the number she was looking for, she punched the dial button and waited. She didn't care that it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

"Lexi?" Ramsey's voice answered obviously very surprised to hear from her. She wasn't sure where he was, but wherever it was had a lot of background noise.

"What are you doing on Saturday?" she asked louder than she wanted to speak, but she wanted to make sure he heard her.

"Hold on one second." After a minute, Lexi heard the noise die down and his voice come back through the line. "What did you say?"

"What are you doing on Saturday?" she repeated her question unable to believe she was doing this.

"Um…working probably. Why? What's up?" he asked his voice tentative but obviously curious.

"I have to go to an engagement party because Chyna's dad is getting remarried. It's a long story, but I'm supposed to bring a boyfriend and I don't have one. Will you go with me?" she asked rambling on despite herself. Her stomach had started knotting all over again at the fact that she was actually asking him to do this for her.

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