Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2) - Page 58

"Chyna," Lexi called as she approached.

Chyna turned in place, her face showing all the anxiety of her situation along with a wave of appreciation at Lexi's presence. "Alexa, thank god!"

"Aren't you glad that's over?" Lexi asked hoping to lessen the tension.

"I would be," she said turning her back on the blonde bimbos standing around her. Lexi raised an eyebrow in question.

Before Chyna was able to answer, a woman came storming out of the entrance they were standing in front of. Lexi had never seen Chyna's mother before, but at first glance there was no denying their relation. Except for the twenty year age difference, the two were nearly identical. Her mother was taller, but it was unclear if that was due to the seven inch heels on her feet or not. Her skin was a deeper bronzed color and her eyes even more vibrantly green than her daughters. She was utterly beautiful, and was wearing a look that Lexi had seen a number of times on Chyna.

"Richard, there is no use in speaking with you further," she muttered, her foreign Italian accent still thick on her tongue after all these years.

Chyna's father appeared from the doorway looking furious at the distraction. As he entered the crowded room, his temper only continued to flare as more eyes turned his direction. "Andrea, honestly," he crowed latching onto her thin upper arm and yanking her backwards.

Lexi's eyes opened wide in surprise as he pulled her out of the busy room. "Let go of me," she said smacking his hand. "If I bruise, they'll cancel the Brazil shoot next week."

"They'll cover it up," he growled.

"You'd know," she spat back viciously.

"Welcome to my childhood," Chyna mumbled, sidling up to Lexi for the show.

"What's your mom doing here?" Lexi asked averting her eyes from the couple.

"That's the million dollar question isn't it?" Chyna grumbled.

"I thought she wasn't in the country. Isn't that what you said?" Lexi waited for her to nod then continued, "When was the last you saw her C?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "When was my birthday?"

"June," Lexi whispered afraid of the forthcoming answer.

"Yeah June…three years ago," Chyna answered staring forward unblinking at her mother.

Lexi tried to cover her surprise. She knew that Chyna's mom wasn't in the picture. Well up until recently her father hadn't been around much either. But she hadn't known that it had been quite that long since she had even seen her mom. Lexi couldn't imagine going that long without seeing her own parents. Not that their relationship was even comparable to what Lexi was currently witnessing.

"Mom," Chyna said her voice carefully controlled. She took a confident step forward and into the conversation that was going on in swift Italian between the couple so as not to draw more attention to them.

Her mother stopped abruptly at Chyna's interruption and looked at her own daughter as if she were nothing more than fly she wanted to swat. "Oh…Chyna, you're here."

"Yeah," she stated awkwardly.

"Well isn't this nice," Andrea commented sarcastically.

"Having all three of us in one place was never considered nice," Chyna replied sincerely.

Andrea huffed at the statement her green eyes calculating. "Perhaps."

"So what are you doing here?" she couldn't keep from asking. "Don't you have a flight your always late to catch or a shoot you've been invited to…or something?"

"Precisely my point," Richard exclaimed.

"Still daddy's little girl aren't we?" Andrea said directing the comment more as an insult that anything.

"I was hardly agreeing with him," Chyna muttered.

"Are you still running around like your father too?" she asked looking her up and down in disgust.

"I don't even feel as if I should justify that with an answer."

"Oh come on honey. You and I both know that he's only going to hold onto this one for as long as the next young thing waltzes into his office," Andrea cried in frustration.

"You say these things as if you aren't with every cabana boy who appears on set," her father cried incredulously. "You are the most hypocritical person in the world. You show up on my wedding day just spout old, petty bullshit about a life that no longer matters to me. About a time that might as well not have existed for me. That's how insignificant and unimportant those years were with you. Now my personal welfare might mean shit to you, and that's fine, but don't come in here and expect me to allow you to insult me. My new, yes young, and beautiful wife is waiting for me. Find your own way out."

Andrea wild green eyes stormed over. The look she shot him was of pure hatred. "Well congratulations to your new whore. May you two have a wonderful life of fidelity and eternal devotion to one another. If you are even capable of being devoted to anyone but yourself," she spat, turning on her heel and rushed away from the group. If she hadn't acted like a complete bitch to her best friend, Lexi would have felt bad for the woman. But under the circumstances, she was just glad to see her go.

"And you," Richard began turning on his only child. The cold calculating man Lexi had met in Chyna's apartment had returned. He wore all the anger that had boiled up with the appearance of his ex-wife, and was redirecting that fury towards the next closest victim. "What part did you play in this?"

"What?" Chyna asked surprised.

"Don't give me your innocent act."

"Did you not see how she treated me? I didn't even know where she was," Chyna said defensively.

"Bullshit Chyna! You're out to ruin me. I get your game now. After the way you treated Victoria…I just thought that it was petty and you would get over it, but this draws a line. I no longer want you in my sight."

Chyna's jaw slackened. "Let me tell you about your pretty princess, you f**king ass**le. She is a bitch, a terrible excuse for a human being. You think she's a goddess because you're getting your dick wet. But let me tell you," Chyna growled stepping forward to her father. He usually held such an upper hand that it was incredible to watch her stand up for herself. "She's nothing more than a new toy to you. I wouldn't be surprised if she's f**king someone on the side already. Just look at her, she obviously just wants your money. If you can't see that, then you really are dumber than I thought."

Tags: K.A. Linde Avoiding Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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