Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2) - Page 92

With her mind frazzled from the alcohol coursing through her system, it was a lot easier to feel young again. It also helped her to not care who she was with or what she was doing. This she knew was the most dangerous feeling of all.

"So where are we on our list?" Bekah asked sliding her shot glass back across the bar. She pulled on Maddie's arm to steal her away from another giggle fest with Amber. Maddie's expression glazed over as she realized that Bekah had been talking to her. She stumbled forward a step before grabbing Bekah's arm and staring deeply into her face.

"Whattttt?" Maddie asked clearly not having been paying attention.

"The list. Where the f**k are we?" Bekah snapped sharply. Apparently even drunk she was bitchy.

"The list. The list," Maddie squealed reaching into her purse, shifting around the contents exaggeratedly, and pulling out a now very crumpled piece of paper. Maddie stared at it for a second as if she were examining it. She flipped it over despite the fact that there were no words written on the back. "I can't read it," she finally announced shoving it into Bekah's hand.

Bekah grumbled something unintelligible before flipping the paper back over to the correct side and turning it right side up. She smoothed the wrinkled paper out on the bar and looked at what was left to complete on their list. "Someone has to get boxers," she said reading each article carefully. Someone had been marking each one with a fat black check once they had succeeded in their task.

"And…wait that's it!" she screamed holding the paper up in triumph for a second. She beamed at the group around her who the majority had no clue what she was yelling about. "We just need boxers. Since this is out last stop and I've taken a shot at every bar, I can mark that off," she told the crowd before slamming the paper back down on the bar, pulling out a Sharpie, and making a big show of marking off the ninth item on her list.

"So who's going to get us boxers?" Bekah asked of the girls around her who were only half paying attention to begin with. When no one answered her question, she openly glared at her bridesmaids until they realized she had addressed them and quickly responded.

"You should get them Bekah," Maddie said before unconsciously bursting into laughter and leaning into Bekah's shoulder.

"I probably should," Bekah conceded almost too easily as if she wouldn't mind the idea of sliding some other guys underwear off.

"Yeah girl," Amber crowed nudging Bekah's shoulder playfully. "You're the f**king bride. Any guy should feel lucky to give you his boxers."

"Definitely," Maddie agreed.

"Well let's start scoping them out," she said glancing around the room to see what guy would willingly give her their underwear.

Lexi was glad she hadn't been volunteered for this one. After having to endure that phone call, her role in the bachelorette festivities had been greatly reduced. The girls had kept to themselves, sharing inside jokes and old stories that Lexi could never understand, and mostly acting as if she didn't really exist. The whole exchange between the girls kind of felt like a high school and college reunion for them rather than a bachelorette party. In truth, she felt more like a tag along to their adventures than anything. And though it was frustrating on some level to be dismissed so easily, it was also a huge relief. This way she didn't have to try to be included or fake her enthusiasm for a night out with the monsters.

She still wasn't sure about Maddie though. The girl already had two strikes against her: one strike for the phone call and a second strike due to the fact that she had slept with Ramsey. Lexi was kind of curious if there was something more to that story though. Maddie kept giving her strange looks all throughout the night like she knew something that Lexi had no clue about. She wanted to just ask her what her f**king problem was, but as she was trying to keep a low profile that wouldn't have been the easiest thing to do. So the whole thing was discouraging to say the least.

"What about him?" Bekah finally asked pointing out a guy to Maddie and Amber who was standing against the wall. He was pretty gorgeous with longer hair slicked back off his forehead and a rather defined jaw line. He wore a snug fit v-neck t-shirt and tight jeans.

"He's g*y," Amber said almost immediately.

"There's no way. Just look at him," Bekah argued tilting her head to the side.

Amber shook her head. "No for real. He's not straight."

"So he doesn't count," Maddie told her.

"There's nothing in the rules that says g*y guys don't count," Bekah countered still staring at him.

"No, but come on. He has to be straight and sexy. We don't want just any guy's boxers," Amber drawled.

"Fine. Fine," Bekah grumbled gritting her teeth in attempt not to show her anger.

"Well hey once you find him let us know," Amber drawled leaning into Bekah. "We're gonna go dance." Maddie stumbled forward careening around Amber and wrapping her arms around Bekah.

"Come dance with us!" she squealed a giggle escaping her.

"You two go dance. I'll catch up," Bekah said shoving Maddie off of her.

"Ok love ya," Maddie cooed dashing after Amber who had already begun to disappear into the mob of people.

Bekah swiveled around to see who else was in the vicinity. Lexi really wished that she could disappear right then. She hadn't meant to be left alone with her, but she hadn't realized that Kersey had left during the discussion about the list. "Where'd Kersey go?" Bekah asked her taking a step forward and running into a guy standing at her side. She didn't even bother to apologize.

Lexi just shrugged attempting to angle her body away from Bekah so that she would cease conversation. She hadn't really been directly addressed all night. And she didn't want to make polite conversation with Bekah. Lexi was here. She was drunk. She was putting up with them for the evening, but she wouldn't exactly say she was having a good time. And having Bekah talk to her wasn't high on her list of things she needed to do for the night.

"Lexi?" Bekah asked obviously not getting the mental waves of rejection that were pouring off of Lexi.

Not seeing any way to avoid speaking with her Lexi turned her body back to Bekah. "Yeah?"

"Thanks for coming out tonight," she said a smile appearing on her face.

Tags: K.A. Linde Avoiding Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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