Maybe Matt's Miracle (The Reed Brothers 4) - Page 48

“You were right,” she says over a giggle. She’s laughing in my arms. Since when did sex become funny? I lift my head to look down at her.

“What was I right about?”

“Your piercing is magical.” She laughs out loud, but she’s soft and warm and sated in my arms. And nothing ever felt so right.

“That was my dick,” I say, and I slap her bottom.

She pouts, her lower lip sticking out. “Ow.” She sits up and kisses me, looking into my eyes. “Just for that, I’m going to make you prove it to me later.”

“I’ll prove it to you right now,” I growl as I reach for a new condom and roll her over.

She squeals, laughs, and parts her thighs for me. God, I’m in love with everything about her.


“Would you stop fidgeting?” Seth murmurs to me, rolling his eyes as he knocks on the door of Matt’s apartment.

I smooth my shirt. “Do I look all right?” I ask.

He rolls his eyes again and shoots me an exasperated grin. “The only complaint Matt might have is that you have too many clothes on.” He snorts.

“Seth!” I scold. He really shouldn’t talk about things like that.

“What?” he asks. He throws up his hands. “He’s used to you greeting him in your jammies at the door is all I meant. He might not know what to do with you in clothes.”

His face turns red when he realizes what he just said.

“Never mind,” he grunts. He knocks again. The door flies open, and one of Matt’s younger brothers motions us forward. The room is completely full of people, but I think most of them are Matt’s brothers.

“Which one are you?” Seth asks. That was a little rude, but I was curious, too.

“I’m Sam,” he says. “The pretty one.”

He clasps hands with Seth the way men do. Then he opens his arms to me. I don’t know what to do.

“Don’t touch my girl!” a voice yells from over by the TV. I look over and smile when I see Matt sitting on the floor in front of the sofa. He has a game controller in his hand, and he’s frantically working it.

“Too late,” Sam teases. “You’re way over there, and she’s way over here all alone.” He wraps me up in his arms and squeezes. It probably looks a lot tighter than it feels. I think he’s just doing it to get a rise out of Matt.

“Come take over for me, Seth,” Matt calls. He doesn’t stop the controller.

Seth arches my brow at me. “Go,” I say. He grins and goes to replace Matt on the floor. Matt passes him the controller, stopping for a second to watch him.

“He’s going to kill all my men,” Matt says as he lumbers to his feet.

He walks toward me, and my heart starts to thump. It’s Friday, and I haven’t seen him since he left my apartment yesterday when I had to go get the girls from school. He had to work late last night, but he’s off tonight. I couldn’t tell him no when he called and invited us over.

Joey tugs on my hand, and I look down at her. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I have to go potty,” she says.

Matt points toward the bathroom, and I go in that direction with her. Sorry, I mouth over my shoulder at Matt.

He grins and shrugs. “When you gotta go,” he says.

“I can do it,” Joey says when I try to go in the bathroom with her. She shuts the door in my face.

“Okay…” I say to myself.

I turn around and run directly into Matt’s chest. He grabs my elbows to steady me, and I find my nose against his shirt. And I like it there because he smells like Matt. And I like Matt. A lot. “You smell good,” I say quietly, my mouth against his chest.

He bends his head and nuzzles the side of my neck. “So do you,” he whispers. I tilt my head to give him better access.

Suddenly, there’s a loud cough directly behind us. Matt groans and lifts his head.

“Would you knock it off?” he says.

Paul just laughs and nods toward Mellie, who is still holding my hand. “There are kids in the room, numbnuts,” he says. He reaches down, and I see a tiny blonde standing beside him.

“Who is this?” I ask and point toward the little girl.

Matt motions her forward as he squats down. She perches herself on his knee. “I’m Hayley,” she says. She has blue eyes and blond hair just like all the Reeds, and she’s adorable.

“My daughter,” Paul says. He nods toward a door down the hallway. “Do you want to take the girls to play in your room?”

Hayley nods and smiles. They wait for Joey to come out of the bathroom, and then Hayley takes one of Joey’s hands and one of Mellie’s and drags them into her room. She closes the door behind them with a loud bang.

Paul scratches his head. “I guess I should get used to that. But I’m not sure I can,” he says. He shakes his head.

“Are they okay in there?” I ask Matt. I kind of want to go see where they’re playing.

“We’ll check on them in a second,” Matt says. His gaze darts around the room, and then he opens a door behind me and pushes me into a bedroom. He closes the door after us and flips me back against the wall with a gentle shove. “I missed you,” he whispers.

His hands bracket my face, and his knee slides between my legs, which is kind of good because my knees go wobbly when he grabs me. “Matt,” I warn. “The kids.”

Tags: Tammy Falkner The Reed Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024