Craving Molly (The Aces' Sons 2) - Page 8

She’d never even said a word when she’d come to check on me later and found Tommy next to me in my hospital bed, holding my hand. She’d just gone about her business, taking my blood pressure and shit like there wasn’t a teenage boy lying there, crying in his sleep.

Jesus, maybe being around her wasn’t my best idea. Just seeing her face brought back a host of shit that I never wanted to think about again. I’d never been able to forget the sight of my baby brothers going down, the younger shielding the older, but at least I usually had a handle on that shit. I didn’t think about it. I pressed forward. If I let myself think about the events that led up to the worst day of my entire goddamn life, I lost focus. I took stupid fucking risks, lost control.

My mother couldn’t handle losing another one of her children. She wouldn’t survive it.

Molly mumbled something, and when I glanced down at her, she was smacking her lips and raising her eyebrows. I knew right then that I was already in. It didn’t matter that she was going to fuck everything up.

I fell asleep at some point, with my feet hanging off the end of the couch and my head resting on one of the arms.

Chapter 3


My first thought when I woke up the next morning was that my mouth tasted like absolute ass.

My second thought was the realization that I was lying on top of Will, and had been doing so all night.

“Mornin’,” he rasped, as I groaned against his pec.

It was a nice pec. Firm. Defined, but not too large. I hated when guys had bigger tits than I did.

“I can’t believe you stayed,” I told his sternum as I tilted my head down as far as I could. My breath was probably rank.

“No shit. My neck is fuckin’ killin’ me. Should’ve taken you to bed,” he grumbled.

I laughed lightly as I moved my left arm, flexing my hand as it tingled. We were wrapped so far around each other on my couch, I wasn’t sure how I could even get up without elbowing or kneeing him somewhere vital. I probably should have cared that I’d just spent the night with Will—even if it had been platonic—but I didn’t. I’d had fun, the kind of fun that I’d almost forgotten in the past few years.

I reached to grab the back of the couch and used one arm to hoist my upper body up, then realized that one of my legs was wedged in between Will’s hip and the back of my couch. I yanked at my leg, but all it accomplished was jerking my hips against Will’s, making him groan. Oh, he was hard. Very hard.

“You do that again, and—”

As he spoke, I yanked at my leg again, and all of a sudden I was upright, bracing one hand on Will’s chest as he sat straight up, jerking my hips forward and making my leg slide free, our lower halves slamming together.

My breath caught, both because he’d startled me, and because his face was really close to mine and no way in hell was I introducing him to the monster that had died in my mouth.

“Oh, shit,” Will grumbled, searching my face. “You’re even pretty in last night’s makeup.”

He leaned in to kiss me, and I jerked my head to the side. I was not kissing him. Did he have no olfactory receptors?

“Fine,” he breathed, one of his hands leaving my hip to tangle in my hair. He jerked gently and my head tipped back.

Then his mouth was at my throat. Sucking.

Holy crap, he was good at that.

I let go of the back of the couch and gripped his head, his smooth black hair sliding through my fingers.

“Should get a fuckin’ medal,” he murmured against my neck as the hand not currently holding my head slid around my hip and gripped my ass hard. “Won’t even let me kiss you after I kept my cock in my jeans all fuckin’ night.”

I laughed a little and he froze.

“Kept your cock in your jeans?” I murmured into his ear. “Who says cock?”

“You givin’ me shit?” he asked, biting down gently.

“If you don’t know, I’m not doing it right.”

“I’ll show you doin’ it right,” he growled, making me shriek as he flipped us over.

I laughed as he growled and nipped at my neck, his fingers digging into my sides.

“Stop!” I ordered, my stomach starting to ache as I laughed.

“The hell are you doin’ to me?” he asked against my skin, kissing my neck lightly as his hands went still.

“What do you mean?” I ran my hand over the back of his head as his entire body relaxed into mine.

Just as he was starting to push himself up, someone started knocking on my door and then we heard a key turning the deadbolt.

Tags: Nicole Jacquelyn The Aces' Sons Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025