“So they can be sold off if too many are born?” I flick his hand away when he reaches for me again. “So my family can profit off of my misery?”
My father scowls at me. “Praxiian honor—”
“Is only convenient when one does not have to live in a slave cage,” I bite back. “I will consider your request, but as I said, I must speak with my mate first. She is the one who will suffer living on Praxii Minor, after all.”
“Suffer?” my mother echoes, indignant. “Our humans are treated very well.”
About as well as third-born sons, I imagine. My bitter, angry thoughts are not praxiian thoughts. Any praxiian male should be proud to endure what I have for my family. I brought them honor and glory, and they were able to rebuild our house into a great empire once more. That much is obvious from the wealth that drips off of my parents.
I did not want them to suffer, of course, but…seeing their riches has only increased the bitterness in my heart-feelings.
Whatever I hoped to find this day, it is not here.
“Very well,” my father says, trying to be genial and understanding. “Take the night to consider things. I realize it is a large change for one who has lived on the fringes of society for many years. We cannot expect you to re-enter the fold overnight.” He shoots a look at my mother, who opens her mouth to protest. “Take the time and discuss it with whoever you like, and we will make plans in the morning.”
“Yes,” my mother says, getting to her feet in a rustle of silk. She clasps her hands in front of her chest and gives me a polite smile. “Until then, shall I show you where our quarters are? There is room for you and your mate, both, of course.”
Of course—they have acquired rooms and expect Kim and I to stay with them, as is praxiian custom. That we will share rooms and sleep in the same bed together. I think of my Kim, and how shocked she was to learn how praxiians sleep. She would hate the thought of staying with them tonight.
Something tells me my sweet Kim would try to claw their eyes out. “We will be staying elsewhere,” I say politely. “Humans have different customs.”
“Nonsense. They learn very quickly,” my mother says, huffy. “Your father’s sleeps with us. and she does not take up much room.” She flicks her platinum claws in my direction. “I insist. Bring your pet to this filthy place and we will head to our ship together.”
“She is not my pet,” I say, my patience wearing thin. “She is my mate, and you have just ensured I will not bring her tonight at all.” I give them one last polite smile. “Contact my bounty hunter if you wish to speak in the morning.” I nod to them both and leave before they can protest again.
Bethiah shuts the door to the private room, hurrying out after me. “Kef me, that was a lot to take in. Here I thought my family was messed up.” She snorts. “Your little Cheem is going to shit herself when she hears you’re the long-lost kitty cat heir.”
“I am not lost,” I say thoughtfully. “They threw me away and never thought about me again.”
“Until now that they need you,” Bethiah agrees. “You…huh.”
“Hm?” I’m lost in thought as we move around the stage, toward the central part of the cantina.
“Here’s something quirky,” Bethiah says in a tight voice. “Kaspar’s missing.”
I stiffen, my thoughts racing with fear. Kaspar was posted in front of the human room. Has someone stolen Kim from under my nose? Is that what this was about? I snarl with fury as I race across the cantina, toward the ominously closed door posted with so many signs proclaiming that valuable humans are just on the other side. Why not keffing ask to be robbed? Why would anyone do something so stupid?
Why did I leave her for a single moment?
I’m growling as I fling myself against the door, busting into the room. If she’s not here, I’m going to break every head in this cantina and—
Kim looks up, startled. She’s seated in the room alone, her hands folded in her lap, and she looks the same as when I left her. “Oh! Nassakth! You’re back quickly.” She jumps to her feet, moving around the table. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”
I cup her face, and as I do, I realize I am trembling. The thought of losing her has affected me far more than my family’s offer did. “You…are safe?”
She bites her lip and nods, her eyes luminous as she gazes up at me. “I did a bad thing though,” she whispers. “I helped your dad’s pet human escape him, and I’m not sorry. Please don’t be mad at me.”