A Vow to Secure His Legacy - Page 69

Thierry paused, his gaze meshing with hers. Imogen felt hope and excitement pound through her. ‘That’s going to be the most exciting adventure of my life. I wouldn’t miss it for anything.’ His thumb brushed her cheek.

‘I’ll give it all up, the treks, the business, whatever, if it means you’ll stay with me. I’ll move to Aus—’

Imogen put her hand to his lips. They were warm and soft, at odds with his harsh expression. ‘You’d do that? Give up all this?’

‘I love you, Imogen.’ His lips moved against her hand, his words balm to her aching heart. ‘All I want is to be with you. The rest is nothing.’

The château, the place in society, the birthright, were less precious than her?

‘Ah, mon coeur, don’t cry. Please, it breaks my heart.’

He leaned in to kiss the hot tears sliding down her cheeks, and she bit back a sob. Her heart felt too full, as if it were going to burst.

She clutched his shoulders, trying to reassure herself this was real. ‘You mean it?’

‘I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.’ His expression was so solemn, so earnest. ‘Stay with me and I’ll prove it to you. No man could ever love you more than I do and one day, I hope, you’ll feel the same way about me.’

Fire caught Imogen’s throat as she smiled through her tears.

‘Not one day. Now.’

He stared blankly as if he couldn’t make sense of her words.

She slid her hands up to cup the back of his head, a quiver of excitement filling her at the knowledge dreams really did come true.

‘I’m in love with you, Thierry. I have been since Paris. Since that first night.’ She waited for his satisfied smile. Instead, she read shock then wonder on his proud features. ‘You swept me off my feet, my darling.’

He closed his eyes, murmuring something in French under his breath that sounded heartfelt and urgent. When he opened them again she caught the dark gleam of excitement she’d loved from the beginning.

‘You truly love me?’

She nodded. ‘That’s why I was so miserable, so ready to leave. I thought I could love you and live with you even though you didn’t return my feelings. But then—’

‘Then you thought I was a selfish, ungrateful brute who didn’t understand what a treasure I had in you.’

Suddenly he swooped her up in the air then deposited her on the window seat. Before she could catch her breath he knelt before her, drawing her hands into his.

‘Thierry? What are you doing?’

Midnight eyes held hers, and she couldn’t look away, for they were filled with love. The same love welling inside her.

‘Imogen, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me and live with me for the rest of our lives?’

‘But we’re already married.’

‘I want to marry you again—properly this time. With us both giving our hearts. A marriage of love, not convenience.’

‘Oh, Thierry!’ She blinked back fresh tears.

‘You don’t like the idea?’ He frowned.

‘I love the idea! I can’t think of anything I’d like more.’

His loving smile, his tender kiss on her palm, told her he felt the same, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. ‘Women love shopping for wedding dresses and the trimmings for a big wedding.’

‘A big wedding?’ She pretended to pout. ‘What if I want to get married in a hot-air balloon or—’

His kiss stopped her words. When he pulled back he was grinning. ‘Whatever you want, mon coeur. Perhaps we could go somewhere more comfortable to discuss the options.’

Imogen felt that smile to the soles of her feet. ‘You have the best ideas, Thierry.’ She put her hand in his and let him draw her to her feet, knowing he was right. The future together would be the adventure of their lifetimes.

Tags: Annie West Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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