Making the Cut (Sons of Templar MC 1) - Page 52

“Whoa, do you need help honey?” he drawled, checking me out shamelessly.

I returned the favor, he wasn’t bad looking, if you liked that Abercrombie and Finch look. Shiny blonde hair styled carefully, a pink Ralph Lauren polo shirt which showed off his lean but muscly arms. His eyes were blue, contrasting with his suspiciously too tan skin. I felt like he spent longer on his hair than I did. Not my type at all.

“Um,” I tried to think of a polite way to turn him down.

“We’re off to a party if you want to come?” he interrupted me. “A sexy woman like you would be more than welcome. We could have some fun you and me.”

I screwed my nose up, not worrying about being polite anymore, this guy was obviously a douche. I opened my mouth to tell him to get lost when a strong hand pulled on college boy’s shoulder, yanking him away from me. The motion made me drop all my food. I stared down at the floor, feeling upset at the prospect of picking it all up.

“Get your fucking hands off her.” I heard Cade growl and my head snapped back up to see Cade holding the boy by the collar of his polo shirt, a face like thunder.

College boy looked like he was about to pee his pants. A broken laugh erupted from me, I couldn’t help it.

Cade’s gaze cut to me a second before turning back to the boy, who was currently struggling to get out of his grip, glancing at Bull and Brock who were at Cade’s back, arms crossed.

“Ssssorry mman,” he stuttered. “I didn’t realize she was your girl, my mistake.”

Cade let him go and he literally ran out the door.

I glared at Cade, not knowing where to start with this ridiculous performance. He dumped me, what does he care that some college kid was hitting on me? Hell I could fuck a whole heap of frat boys if I wanted. Not that I ever would. But I had the right as a single, independent, sexually free woman. That would take far too long to explain to a Neanderthal like him, and I wanted to get back to the party and forget this ever happened.

“Well, thanks Cade, you made me drop all my precious snacks,” I whined, glancing out the doors to see a Range Rover speeding off. I raised my hand in that direction. “And ruined my chances with my Abercrombie,” I finished. He didn’t need to know I never would have gone near the future stockbroker.

I watched as Bull and Brock tried to suppress grins and Lucy’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. Cade’s thunderous glare intensified. I ignored this, bending down to begin picking up my food. I swayed a little and would’ve fallen on my butt if it wasn’t for Cade roughly pulling me up, frowning deeply, his eyes locked on my bikini-clad boobs.

“You’re drunk,” he stated.

“Good spotting,” I responded. “You should be a detective.”

He ignored that remark, shrugging off his cut. Before I realized what he was doing, he slid it through my arms.

“What are you doing?” I protested and tried to pull away, unsuccessfully.

“Brock,” he barked, ignoring me. “Pick up this shit, pay for it and take it back to Gwen’s.”

Brock nodded, picking up my stuff in one scoop before heading to the counter, where Bull had all but dragged Lucy.

“I’m sorry, all of that testosterone must have blocked your ears, what are you doing? I don’t think I’m too eager to be patched into your little club.” I tried to take off his cut, but Cade’s hands grasped mine.

“I’m covering you up. Jesus, Gwen, what the fuck do you think you’re doing walking around in public wearing next to nothing? I can see your fucking nipples through that scrap of fabric. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing them hard and pert, but I sure as shit don’t want any other man having that view of your body.” He was talking low but it seemed like a yell.

I was speechless for a second, which Cade took advantage of by dragging me out of the store and towards an SUV. I regained some form of coherent thought as he actually lifted me into the truck. I tried to open the door to get the heck out of this situation, but Cade had some kind of super speed and was in the truck and had the door locked before I could even touch the handle. Well, either he had super speed or alcohol had seriously slowed my reflexes. I think it was the super speed. I glared at him and he ignored me, backing the truck out of the parking lot.

“Cade,” I said quietly.

“What baby?” he replied, seemingly concentrating on leaving the lot.

“What the fuck?” I yelled, which made the asshole turn towards me.

“Jesus, Gwen, I value my eardrums,” he told me calmly.

“Why does everyone keep saying that to me? I do not appreciate getting dragged out of a liquor store by some asshole who just dumped me two days before without a second thought. So excuse me for being a bit pissed the fuck off!” I screamed at him.

He gazed at me a beat then turned his eyes back to the road.

“Didn’t dump you Gwen,” he spoke quietly.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh so do the words ‘no pussy is worth this’ actually mean let’s get married and have children?” I asked smartly, and loudly.

“Fuck you’ve got a smart mouth babe,” Cade bit out. “Gonna fuck that smart mouth tonight.”

I felt my anger rise to another level. Was he serious?

“Are you high? You will be doing nothing of the sort. I don’t know how you usually treat the women you fuck, but you cannot just hurt me and expect me to come running whenever you need your dick sucked. Find another fuck toy.”

Cade glanced at me, a mixture of tenderness and arousal on his face. I tried my hardest not to get turned on, but my body betrayed me yet again as wetness crept between my legs. Fuck you ovaries.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024