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The Dare

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All of a sudden, Zack has me on my back on his bed. I giggle wildly as he peels my dress off and his fingers graze all over my hyper sensitive skin, staring at him in awe. I can feel myself falling for this man, tumbling much too quickly in to love, and I don’t even care if it’s dangerous. It just feels right.

“You… are…” he says in between kisses which he plants all over my body. “Beautiful.”

I’m just about to make a quip about him being not too bad himself when those gorgeous lips of him press unexpectedly against my panties, stealing the words from my lungs. The material is in the way so he isn’t quite connecting with me, but I can feel his hot breath blowing against me and that alone arches my back and makes my hips flip off the bed towards him. As I press against him, his lips graze even harder and I let out a whimper.

“Oh God, Zack.” I try to reach for him, to hold him, but he’s nowhere near so I only have the bed sheets beneath me to cling on to, to keep me connected to the planet as he sends me flying high. “Fucking hell…”

My panties pretty much melt away he glides them off my thighs so rapidly. His tongue is on me in seconds, bursting pleasure from my clit all the way through my body. Even my chest heats up in an instant under the sheer power of him swirling his mouth all around me, alternating between consuming my clit and plunging deep within me and massaging my walls with his wetness. This feels even better than when he was exploring me with his fingers. His mouth knows how to treat me well and I never want this to end.

Thankfully, Zack more than has the stamina for it. He keeps the onslaught of burning hot bliss coming until my body can’t handle it any longer. I can’t remain on the peak of the mountain for as long as I would like. Instead, I cascade down the edge with Zack’s mouth tasting every inch of me. He clings on to my ass hard to keep me in place as he rockets the orgasm through my body, causing it to roll over me in endless waves.

“Oh fuck,” I cry out much too loudly. “Fuck, Zack, oh my God.” Thank goodness we don’t have to keep it down too much because his family aren’t in the house or I would be in a mess here. I can’t keep these screams inside of me, he’s destroying me here, corrupting me in the best possible way, tearing my body apart. “Shit.”

“Mmm, you are delicious,” he growls as he glides his way back up my body to kiss me once more. I can taste myself on his lips and it’s hot as hell. I wrap my arms tightly around him to keep him with me because I love the feel of him on top of me. The weight of his body just feels right. “You make me feel all kinds of things.”

This could be the time for a nice romantic chat, for us to express how happy we are to be here together, but all I can really focus on is the sensation of his cock teasing my entrance. He is rock hard and ready for me, and despite the fact that I have just been sated, I need more of him. I’m tingling and desperate for everything,

“I want you,” I groan. “Please, Zack. I need you so badly it hurts.” I’m begging, I don’t even care. I’m demanding what I want, making commands to the boss, and he seems to be loving it. “Fuck me, Zack.”

He reaches across me and grabs a condom from his night stand. I snatch it from him and with a cheeky smile I roll it down his cock, staring deeply in to his eyes the entire time. Despite the fact that tonight is definitely driven by lust and need, I can see the feelings growing inside of him just as much as they are me. It finally feels like we are on the same page at long last which feels perfect. I couldn’t be happier. My heart is thundering, banging so hard against my rib cage that it could bust free at any moment, and I don’t even care. I just want to keep staring at him, to drink every inch of him in because he’s just great.

“Are you ready?” He strokes my hair softly as he teases me once more, only this time he really is ready for me. He is sheathed, we are protected, it’s time at long last. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Don’t make me wait any longer,” I growl while pulling his lips to mine once more. “I need you.”

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