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The Dare

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And then he gives me everything that I need and more. He thrusts deeply within me, grazing every part of me in the best way possible. I slam my hips to meet him in the middle, letting out another scream once more. The orgasm that Zack just gave me remains and highlights this new pleasure coming for me right now. It’s hitting me again, coming for me, and I am more than ready for it. I have fantasized about having sex with Zack forever, but the reality, as always, is much more intense. I’m melting with happiness, over joyed and in heaven. I don’t want to ever let him go. I want to cling to him forever more to make sure that he never leaves me again. To be honest, the way that he is holding on to me makes me think that he feels the same way. He wants to hold on to me forever more and if we both feel that way then me and him might be able to make it work.

Chapter 16 – Zack

“I can’t believe we are doing this,” Latesha giggles in a whisper as she rapidly pulls her clothing back on. “But this is necessary, isn’t it?” She leans up and presses those delicate lips of hers up against mine. “Just keep things between the two of us for the moment. With your family and everyone at work as well.”

I don’t know what her plans are with regards to the other job she is going to be interviewed for, we haven’t really discussed that yet, but I do think it might be wise for us to not make it obvious that we’re together now in the office. Aside from all of this drama, it has worked out well for me, keeping my personal and private life separate and I would much prefer to keep it that way. At least until we’re sure. The last thing we need now is added pressure on our shoulders, the worry of everyone watching us develop. I want this just for us.

“Are you ready?” She brushes down her clothes and nods at me. “Okay, well the cab is waiting for you outside to take you back to yours. Then I suppose I will have to wait to see you in the office.”

She runs her fingers delicately over my body, almost causing me to scoop her back up and to throw her on my bed so that I can ravish her all over again. I would love nothing more. I’m nowhere near done with her yet, but I’m hoping that me and Latesha will get plenty of time to explore one another some more.

“Thank you, Boss.” She winks playfully at me. “I will see you soon… and I will do my best to keep my hands off you. I don’t know if it’ll be easy though, looking at you all day and having to keep my distance…”

Much as that sounds like torture, it also sounds like a lot of fun as well. Staring at one another, making secret eye contact, knowing that something is going on between us when no one else is aware of it… it seems like it will be a fun day that’s going to end up in one hell of an explosion. Me and her in bed again…

“Right, well I will see you there then.” I kiss her a couple more times before I finally let her free. “Miss you.”

I watch Latesha walk away from me, my heart damn near exploding as I do because my feelings for her are already so intense. That is a woman who accepts me no matter what’s going on with me. I have already accidently let her see the worst parts of me and she still likes me. She couldn’t be more perfect for me…

As Latesha drives off in the cab, I see my mother peeking out of the window of the guest house and waving at me knowingly. I guess keeping it a secret hasn’t worked out for me, but I don’t think Mom will mind too much. She has been going on about me finding happiness for ages, and she knows enough about Latesha to understand.

As she gives me the thumbs up, showing me immediate approval which I hope doesn’t change when she gets to know Latesha better, I wave goodbye to her and head back inside to get ready for what promises to be a very interesting day at the office. I smile to myself knowing that it might be a bit crazy…


The grin remains stretching between my ears as I step inside the office building. I haven’t been away for a long time, but considering everything that’s changed in between all of that, it feels like a life time…

The air is different. That’s the first thing which hits me. No one seems as happy as normal. Barely anyone says hello to me which is strange. I don’t know how to handle how odd this is. It’s almost like everyone knows about me and Latesha already, but I can’t imagine her running in and telling everyone all about it.

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