Not Planning on You (Danvers 2) - Page 12

Suzy held up her hand, stopping him. “Why do you have a new number?”

Gray shifted as if uncomfortable with her question. “I’ve just been getting some annoying sales calls and wrong numbers. I thought getting a new number would solve the problem, no big deal. Anyway, please take it easy while I’m gone, and I’ll call you every chance I get.” Before Suzy had a chance to question him further, Gray took her mouth in a kiss that left little room to concentrate on anything else.

All too soon he was gone, and Suzy was left with nothing but one very amused sister. “Go on, I know you’re dying to say something, so let’s hear it before you explode.”

Laughter shook Beth’s body, all attempts to act innocent lost. “It’s just funny to see you over there mooning over some guy. I’m used to seeing men look at you with that same expression when you blow in and out of a room, totally oblivious to the drooling stares of every man in it.”

“You’re crazy; I’ve never been one to lead men on. I’ve been in a relationship for most of my dating life so I’m hardly the serial dater.”

“Oh sister, dear, I’m not talking about going from one man to the next. I’m just saying that wherever you go, men want you. I doubt you have entered a room in your entire life and not immediately had the attention of everyone in it. That’s one of the things I love about you, you’re totally clueless to the allure you hold with the opposite sex. You of course um…dress to impress, but you don’t do it for anyone’s benefit; it’s just who you are. If you wore a sack instead of your usual attire, men would still be falling all over themselves to get your attention, and you probably wouldn’t notice.” With a fond smile, Beth added, “and that’s what makes you so special. I feel sorry for people that never know that about you.”

Suzy was touched by the sincerity in her sister’s voice. It was true; she never really noticed attention from men unless they were very obvious about it. Most would probably say she dressed just for attention, when in reality she dressed like she did because she’d always enjoyed having her own style, and if she was honest with herself, she also knew her parents would be appalled so that made it even more rewarding.

The sound of the front door opening startled them both until they heard Nick’s voice boom out, “Hey ladies, your chauffer is here.”

Beth looked down-right panicked as she demanded, “What’s he doing here?”

Before she could answer, Nick walked into the living room giving them both a dazzling smile. “Gray said your appointment for your cast is at ten this morning. If you behave yourself, we will grab some lunch afterwards. I know you must be going crazy stuck in this house.”

With that offer, Nick officially moved to the top of her list of favorite people. She still felt like she’d survived a fight with a pit-bull, but the thought of being off the couch for a while today sounded heavenly. Beth’s eyes were frantically darting around as if trying to tell her something. She didn’t know what her sister’s problem was with Nick, but for this one day, she was just going to have to suck it up. Apparently she’d sell her sister out in a minute for a big greasy cheeseburger.

Suzy insisted on using her crutches on her way outside to Nick’s Car. When they reached the curb where he was parked, she burst out laughing, while Beth looked around in confusion, obviously refusing to accept that the vehicle in front of them was Nick’s. Sitting at the curb in all its glory was a blue mini-van.

Nick had the grace to at least look embarrassed, which was probably a new feeling for him. “Ok, ladies, have your fun, but I’ll have you know I lowered myself to this level for you. My car is in the shop and the only loaners available were either a two-door or this lovely family car. This baby comes complete with passenger airbags, a DVD entertainment system and can go from zero to sixty in about five seconds.”

Suzy could hardly catch her breath she was laughing so hard. Beth had joined in by this time, and Nick stood next to them on the sidewalk looking at them in disgust. Suzy managed to get control of herself, saying, “Come on Beth, let’s load up in Nick’s grocery-getter before we miss my appointment.” As she reached for the back door, Beth was there listing all of the reasons that she should sit in the back and Suzy should take the front. Finally, after she threatened physical violence with her crutches, Beth reluctantly took up the shot-gun position beside Nick after helping Suzy settle in the back of the van.

Suzy spotted the DVD player and was unable to resist asking, “Hey Nick, do you have any movies in here? Maybe Barney?”

With a chuckle, Nick said, “very funny, but I wonder who would have been laughing if you and the princess up here had to fold yourselves in a two-door compact car.”

From where she was sitting, Suzy saw Beth’s head whip towards Nick at his ‘princess’ comment. That’s just what she needed, these two hating each other. She should talk to Nick about taking it easy on Beth; he probably didn’t understand how sensitive she was to comments that she thought were negative in any way. Maybe it was time to give Beth the same advice she’d given Claire—‘get laid.’ That had actually worked out pretty well, she thought with a satisfied smile.

Chapter Eleven

They arrived at the doctor’s office with only a few minutes to spare before her appointment. Beth walked up to the window to let them know they had arrived and Nick helped her into a seat. Beth sat on one side and Nick on the other as if they were using her as a buffer between them. Both Nick and Beth stood when the nurse called her name. Beth gave him her best eye roll and said, “I think I can take it from here. Why don’t you go sit in your mini-van until we are finished?” Suzy snickered, even though Beth wasn’t usually so rude. The nurse tried to hide her smile, plainly amused by a man who looked like Nick driving a mini-van.

Nick looked down at Beth and tweaked her nose saying, “Chill princess, there’s no reason to get your panties in a wad. I’ll wait out here.”

By this time, the nurse could barely contain her amusement as she ushered them down the hallway and to an examination room. Suzy studied her sister after they were left alone, asking, “What’s the deal with you and Nick? You two can’t be in a room together for more than a minute without biting each other’s heads off.” Good grief, she was sure that Beth actually just huffed at her question.

“It’s nothing Suzy; he just irritates me, that’s all. Haven’t you noticed the way he calls me princess all the time? I know he’s just doing it to be insulting.”

Confused, Suzy asked, “Why would you think that?”

“Oh come on, by calling me princess, he’s just trying to point out the fact that I’m anything but that. Kind of like if he called me beautiful or something. It’s his way of making fun of the way I look.”

Suzy was shocked, and even though she didn’t know Nick that well, she felt certain he hadn’t meant his comment in the way that she took it. “Beth, you’re beautiful and if Nick called you that, he’d only be telling you the truth. I’ll tell him that the nick-name he’s given you is bothering you.”

Beth grabbed her hand, saying urgently, “No, please don’t say anything to him. I’m sure you’re right, he’s just kidding, and it’s no big deal.”

Suzy wanted to argue, but at that moment, the doctor came in and she was forced to postpone their conversation. He explained the process of having the hard cast put on as he un-wrapped the soft cast. He also gave her instructions for caring for the cast and advised her to call his office if she had problems or concerns. Soon the doctor and his nurse were layering thin strips of wet plaster over her ankle and calf. She was surprised at how fast the wet mixture appeared to harden. Suzy thought longingly of her stiletto heels and wondered when she’d ever be comfortably wearing them again. Why do I care what type of shoes I’m wearing? I’m sitting here in sweat pants yet again. All I need are a pair of orthopedic shoes to complete the picture. I can tell everyone years from now; I used to be sexy until I broke my ankle. It was all downhill from there.

When the cast was complete and dry, the doctor helped her to stand and she almost pitched forward when she tried to walk with her crutches. It was like trying to move a cement block with her toe. The doctor said if it didn’t cause pain, she could use a special boot they made to go over casts for walking. The nurse put one on her cast and Suzy had to admit that using the crutches as well as putting weight on the cast was a much easier combination.

As soon as they got to the waiting room, a harassed looking Nick held out a cell phone to her. “Please talk to my love-sick brother before he either freaks out completely or drives me crazy. He’s been calling every five minutes for the last hour.”

Suzy smiled as she put the phone to her ear. “What have you been doing to your brother? If you don’t leave him alone, he’s going to hop into his mini-van and leave Beth and I stranded here.”

The sound of Gray’s voice in her ear sent a tingle through her. “God baby, I’ve been so worried. What took so long? Is something wrong? Did they hurt you?”

Suzy’s head was spinning at the barrage of questions Gray was belting out. Nick was right; he did seem to be freaking out. “Um…calm down Gray, I’m fine. It takes them a little while to actually put a cast on, you know. Everything is ok, really. I have my cast now and the walking boot so I’m in much better shape than I was this morning when you left.”

She could hear Gray expel a deep breath. “Thank goodness, I’ve been out of my mind with worry. I thought something had happened to you, and my brother was no help at all. Why didn’t you let him go back with you?”

“Gray, get a grip, I’m fine, I promise. How was your trip? Do you think you will have to be there all weekend?” Suzy had been surprised that Gray had been forced to leave for a business trip on a Friday. He’d explained that the customer they were trying to land was having a gathering at the CEO’s home that weekend and he’d been invited. This was a chance to meet the other principals of the company and conduct business in a less formal atmosphere. He was hopeful that he’d be able to close the deal on the Monday following the gathering. The customer was located in Nevada, which meant hours of travel time and a time difference, as well.

“I hope I can wrap it up quickly. I don’t like leaving you this soon after your accident.” Lowering his voice, he continued, “I’m going to miss lying beside you tonight. I’m afraid I’ve gotten spoiled to having you in bed beside me. I want your face to be the last thing I see before I go to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake in the morning.”

Even though her heart was melting at the love she could plainly hear in his voice, Suzy kept it light, “You aren’t going to make this easy for me, are you slick?”

Gray laughed, always seeming to appreciate her sense of humor and know exactly what she was trying to say. “You might as well wave the white flag right now, sweetheart, because there will be no retreat.”

“I’d be disappointed if there was,” Suzy admitted.

“I’ve got to run, baby, please be careful today and I’ll call you tonight.”

When Suzy pushed the end button on the cell phone and handed it back to Nick, he was making a gagging motion with his finger. Since she couldn’t take her hands from the crutches to hit him, she settled for sticking her tongue out to which she got nothing but laughter in return.

Soon Suzy was settled in the back seat and Beth was forced to the front beside Nick again. Claire had called Nick while they were in the doctor’s office to check on Suzy and he’d invited her to lunch with them. They were going to eat at the sandwich shop around the corner from Danvers.

Claire was waiting for them in the parking lot when Nick pulled up in his mini-van. Suzy had to admit that seeing a pregnant woman laugh that hard was almost scary. Nick gave them all a look of disgust and walked ahead to hold the door of the restaurant open.

After they were settled at a table, Suzy looked at Claire and bluntly asked, “When is that bun coming out of your oven? You look like you’re about to explode.” Claire choked on the drink of tea she’d just taken and Beth had to pat her on the back until she could catch her breath.

“By bun, I assume you’re referring to my baby, and he or she’s due in about three more months.” Rolling her eyes, Claire continued, “I’m sick of the swollen ankles, the fatigue and the hemorrhoids are a real pain in the butt.” As soon as the last word left her mouth, Claire seemed to remember Nick’s presence.

Suzy wasn’t sure whose face was redder at that point, Nick’s or Claire’s. They both looked like they wanted to climb under the table. Suzy jabbed her elbow in his ribs and said, “For heaven’s sake Nick, you have been around the block more than a few times, stop acting like a convent girl.”

Tags: Sydney Landon Danvers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024