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Stolen To Keep (Stolen 2)

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Vaughn removes the pan from the stove and turns to look at me. My face must show some kind of reaction because he moves to me and takes the coffee from my hand.

“I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.” He mistakes my expression for fear, which it totally should be since some scary man is trying to kill us. But the reality is that I can’t wrap my mind around it. It sounds like something out of a movie and can’t possibly be a real threat.

“I know.” I place my hands on his chest. “I’m not worried about that.” Not with him here because I know he’ll keep me safe.

“We have to be more careful.” There he goes with that solemn face again.

“We don’t have to have sex,” I tease, knowing that’s not what he’s talking about but Vaughn being solemn kind of freaks me out.

He’s always so calm and cool but right now he’s on edge. Him being on edge is going to make me on edge too. I think his presence has made me think the threat wasn’t so bad but I should know better. Calm is often how he plays things down.

“Pass your exams and maybe I’ll give it up,” he jokes, and I smile because I know he can’t help himself. Maybe he’s seeing me start to get worked up with him and that’s not good either.

“You’re holding sex against me?” I laugh, and I don’t know why I enjoy this game of him not giving in and me trying to get him to. There’s this thrill to it and I like playing with him.

“Fuck, I love that sound,” he says before his lips drop down on mine and he kisses me. I moan into his mouth and slide my hands up his chest, winding my arms around his neck. I pull him close and he shifts a little as he moves us. When he pulls his mouth back we’re on the sofa with me straddling him and I have no idea how we got there. “We need to talk.”

“Ahh.” That’s never good. “Maybe later?”

I laugh again, because who wants to talk when we could go back to what we were doing? He grips my hip and brings me back down onto him.

“Careful.” I repeat the word he said before we started kissing because we have a tendency to get sidetracked.

“Yes, the call was about people trying to hurt our family.”

I lift my hand, putting it over his mouth. “Is everyone safe right now?” He nods. “Then I don’t want to know.”

He takes my hand away and narrows his eyes like I’m crazy. “You don’t want to know what is going on?”

“Nope.” I hop up from his lap and I think I only get free because he’s shocked at my response. I always want to know everything that’s going on. “Has anything really changed?” I grab my bag and make sure I have everything I need. I’ll have to drop off a few of these books the professor loaned to me because I couldn’t afford to buy them.

“I’d like to move us,” he says, and I look over at him.

“To where, a hotel?” I close my bag as he nods. He’s watching my every move. Vaughn plays it cool but the man never misses a thing. “I bet it’s a fancy hotel.”

“They have better security,” he confirms.

“With room service and giant bathtubs,” I add. “I’m not going to argue with you on staying in a fancy hotel for the night,” I laugh.

“Why do you need room service? I cook for you.” He points toward the kitchen, looking offended, and I laugh harder.

“I’m sure your cooking is better than room service, but it’s still cool to get to order it.” I’m not used to his luxurious lifestyle and I’m more than happy to indulge.

“Come here,” he demands, and my body complies without even checking with me first.

A week ago I would have laughed at him for trying to order me around. Now, my body is so attuned to his commands. I’m pretty sure it will do anything he wants because all Vaughn does is give me pleasure. He feeds me and rubs my shoulders while I study, and then he makes me buzz with the best orgasms of my life. So yeah, when he tells me to come I always do.

I drop down into his lap not so gracefully and harder than I need to. I’m still a little miffed at being bossed around, but I’m here nonetheless.

“I know I told you to stay out of that head about this.” His hand comes up to cup my face. “But we’re going to a hotel tonight then back to the island after your last exam.”

“I know.” That’s been the plan, but what happens when everything settles? “I said from the beginning I’d come back. I promised my sister,” I remind him.

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