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Stolen To Keep (Stolen 2)

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“Yeah, I know, but you’re coming back with me.” He punctuates the word “me.” “Staying with me.”

I lick my lips as I lean into him. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” I admit, and it’s the truth.

“Good, because you don’t have much of an option.” There’s that smirk I’ve grown to love and I narrow my eyes on him.

“You better watch it,” I warn playfully.

“Trust me, sweet thing. I’m always watching it when it comes to you.”

Chapter Nine


She’s on her final exam of the day and only has tomorrow before she’s finished. God, I’ll be glad when this is over, and I’m not the one having to worry about taking a test on top of the stress. I’ve been checking in with security while I had her flat cleared out and the boxes sent to the island. Most of the furniture is staying and she only has one or two suitcases that need to stay until tomorrow.

I plan on getting her the hell out of here the second she puts her pencil down on the final test. Everything is putting me on edge lately and I’m tired of worrying about shadows.

“That’s the last of it,” I say to the head of security as I hand over the key to her flat.

He nods and adds it to the envelope with a nice stack of cash for the landlord. I don’t want any problems or someone trying to come after us once we’re gone. A few bills will go a long way to smooth that out.

“She’s still in the East Hall,” he confirms before I even have to ask.

“Thank you. I’ll let Sean drive me over and then I’ll meet you at the hotel.” I grab my bag and nod to the other guys who are cleaning the room of any traceable evidence. We can’t be too careful.

When I get in the SUV the driver Sean is already behind the wheel. He pulls away from the curb and drives us directly to campus. She’s not far and that’s another reason I wanted to get her out of the flat. I want to put as much reasonable distance as possible between her and the school now that Guzik is on to her.

I clench my fist as I think about something happening to her. I’m not the type of man to use violence or even get wrapped up in something like this. Before Berkley I would have just taken off and hid on the island where it was safe until this all blew over. I’m a laidback guy who doesn’t get involved in drama, but ever since the first time I saw her, my world has been turned upside down. I was sent to get her and bring her back safe, and suddenly that’s become my life’s mission.

“She’s on the move,” I hear over the intercom, and I check my watch.

“She finished early.” My brows furrow together and I look to see how much farther we have to go. “Speed it up, Sean.”

He nods as he hits the gas and it’s an agonizing few minutes before I can finally see the big trees in the distance. There is a large grass field just outside the place where she took her exam, and as soon as Sean pulls up to the curb I’m opening the door and jumping out. I’m not sure the SUV came to a complete stop but I don’t care. I’m not wasting any time getting to her and I couldn’t stop my body if I tried.

My muscles are tense as I walk quickly through the green and scan the crowd. When I see her in the distance I begin to relax. She looks as if she’s doing the same as her eyes move over everyone and finally land on me. Her eyes widen and then she breaks out into a smile and comes charging in my direction.

I open my arms just as she nears me and she leaps into them. I smile and close my eyes, spinning her around and kissing her neck. Goddamn, she feels so right in my arms. I know I’ve been telling her not to think about the future, but that’s all I’ve been doing. I’ve had a million fantasies of her and me and our life together on the island. I should take my own advice, but hey, I’m not the one that needs to focus on school.

“I take it you did well?” I ask between nibbles of her neck. She laughs and winds her legs around my waist. I wish I could fuck her just like this.

“All thanks to you.” She pulls back, and to my shock she kisses me with as much enthusiasm as she did this morning when I was rubbing my dick on her.

“I like to think I’ve got excellent tutoring skills.” I remember very distinctly going over her flashcards with her and rubbing her clit every time she got one right.

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