The Messenger (Professionals 3) - Page 74

Kai’s breath shuddered out of him, his gaze slowly moving down my legs, then back up, over my belly, up to my breasts, then finally finding my face again.

All I found there was a need so strong it made my sex tighten painfully, made me sure I had done the right thing, made it possible to muster just a bit more confidence to take the few feet back I had put between us, pressing my front to his, taking a second to soak in the sensation of his scratching t-shirt on my hardened nipples before I leaned in, my hand going to the back of his neck, my lips going to his ear.

I hadn’t been sure what I was going to say. I had hoped on something R-rated, something sexy enough to break any last threads holding together his control.

But all that could come out was the truth.

“I’m yours, Kai.”

The words sounded soft, choked, but there was no denying the sincerity behind them. Not even Kai could find a reason to discredit them.

He didn’t grab me and ravish me like I might have hoped, but his arms went around me, squeezing tight enough to make it hard to draw in a breath. His head pressed down on my shoulder, taking a deep breath like he was trying to draw my scent in, or find strength, or maybe a combination of the two.

“Don’t just say that,” he demanded, lips pressing into my shoulder as if to soothe over the words. “Don’t say you’re mine just because you want me right now.”

My eyes closed for a second, taking a breath, everything in me responding to the raw vulnerability in his tone.

I pulled back, waiting for his gaze to find mine, seeing nothing but openness there.

“I wouldn’t do that to you,” I told him, voice a little fierce. “Ever since we met, I have gotten this… thing,” I said, pressing a hand into my chest.


“Right here,” I explained, sliding my fingers to where they met the center of my chest, fingers brushing my clavicles. “I never understood it. Or I just refused to try,” I allowed, knowing that was the more likely story.

“What kind of thing?” he asked, brows drawn together.

“It gets tight. My chest gets tight. And… I just never understood it until recently.” I paused, looking down for a second, shaking my head. “It has only ever happened with you. I didn’t know what to think of it.”

“It’s only ever happened for me?” he asked, pressing his forehead down to mine.

I nodded a bit, reaching down to grab his hand, pressing the palm against my chest under mine.

“Only you,” I confirmed, feeling my belly go a bit swirly at the admission.

Under mine, his fingers tensed for a second before relaxing.

“But Kai?” I started, feeling emboldened, feeling the absolute rightness of this moment, knowing that nothing I could do when we were like this could lead to rejection, that there was no place safer to act on my impulses than with him.

“Yeah, honey?” he asked, voice deeper than usual.

I reached to close my hand around his wrist, slowly pulling his hand down, between my breasts, over my belly, past my navel, then finally, quickly pressing it into the piece of material between my thighs, feeling his breath catch at finding it damp with desire. “I want you too,” I added, smiling a bit when he let out this choked sound that seemed almost like a chuckle, but was drowned in too much need.

His forehead lifted from mine, eyes heavy as he met my gaze.

As soon as he did, his finger shifted upward. Perfectly. Expertly. As though he had known my body for years. His finger brushed over my clit, making a tremble rack through me as my air exhaled hard on a choked moan.

At the sound, his eyes closed for the barest of seconds before they opened again, his free hand moving to my lower back, using it to guide me as he turned, lowering down into the chair, pulling me down on top of him, knees straddling both his legs, leaving me completely open to him, a fact he was all-too-happy to exploit as his finger did another swipe, making the swollen bud pulse with the need for release.

Feeling so open, so utterly laid bare, my mouth moved to find words again, to find admissions, to tell him something I had never told anyone before.

“You made me feel like this before,” I told him, feeling his fingers still as he gave me his full attention.

“At the hotel,” he concluded.

“Then, too, yes. But before that. A long time ago.”

“When?” he demanded to know, his hand sinking into my ass, the only sign that he was just barely holding onto his control.

“The first night you rubbed my shoulders,” I admitted, watching as his lips curved up slowly, sweetly, like it had been a fond memory for him. “It was overwhelming,” I added, it feeling so good to share it. My secret little truth. “I had to go to the restroom and… ah…”

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Professionals Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024