The Messenger (Professionals 3) - Page 77

His eyes went soft for a short second, full of everything that had happened over the years, all the hopes, fears, disappointments, and finally… triumphs.

His lips claimed mine again, hard, hungry, demanding. Mine, in turn, became the same as my walls tightened around him, begged for release.

His cock withdrew, and his lips broke from mine as he slammed back inside me, eyes so intense it was almost unsettling. “All yours,” he told me, starting to thrust – hard, fast, needy, proof of how long he had waited for this, how much he needed it.

His hand went down, snagging my other knee, dragging it around his waist, his hands going to my ass, using it to make me take him deeper each time, slamming me down on him as he thrust inside, the near violence of it all driving me up faster than ever before.

I felt my walls close around him like a vice grip, that suspended nothingness overtaking me, promising oblivion once it floated away.

“Come for me, Jules,” he demanded, eyes watching me as he kept thrusting, refusing to let the orgasm ebb. “There,” he growled as my walls started spasming, as my voice caught on a moan. “That feels good,” he added, voice rough trying to come out of his clenched jaw.

“Kai,” I whimpered as another wave came on the tail-end of the first.

And that was his undoing as well.

Her thrust harder for a couple seconds, slamming deep, jerking hard upward as a shudder racked his body.

“Jules,” he hissed out as he buried his head in my neck, his body pressing mine into the wall as he fought for control of himself.

His breathing had barely leveled out before his hands cupped my ass harder, as he walked back toward the chair, dropping down with me on top of him, both of us too overwhelmed to do anything but be there, hold each other, come to grips with what had just happened.

I seemed to be the one to recover first, feeling my heart rate return to normal, my breathing settle back into is usual rhythm.

My lips pressed a kiss into his neck before I pushed back a few inches, watching as his eyes opened slowly, something in their depths I didn’t know how to interpret.

“Are you alright?” I asked, feeling my heart sink a bit, hearing old ugly words spoken from a mean-hearted man fill my head, sucking up the pool of confidence I had felt with Kai.

He sucked in a deep breath as his hand moved up, tucking my hair behind my ear gently. “Ever have a dream come true, Jules? A big one. The one that has been on your mind almost obsessively for a long time?”

I swallowed hard, realizing the truth.


“Me either. Until tonight,” he told me just as my heart was ready to shrink to nothing at the idea of his dream being crushed by reality. He shook his head for a second, like he wasn’t quite sure it had happened after all. “It was better than I could have imagined. You’re better than I could have ever imagined. The reality surpasses the dream. I didn’t know that was possible.”

I felt the telltale sting in my eyes, blinking hard, not sure why I was feeling so emotional. I never felt emotional.

“Stop,” I whispered, shaking my head.

“Never,” he told me as one of the tears snuck out, sliding down my cheek. His thumb moved out, catching it, before pulling me forward, taking my lips again, slow, deep, full of the emotion thick in the air around us. And I didn’t even bother trying to stop the other tears as they fell.

Happy tears.

They were a new concept for me.

But there was no denying their existence.

He kissed me until my lips felt swollen and sensitive, letting me finally rest my head against his shoulder as his hands moved up to sift through my hair.

It was a long time before he spoke. When he did, he was Kai. The Kai I had known every day for years. Sweet. Light.

“Alright, the silence is killing me,” he declared. “What’s going on in there?” He didn’t miss the way I snorted a little, feeling caught. “What?” he demanded, giving a bit of my hair a playful tug.

“It’s just…”

“What?” he demanded when I trailed off.

“Miller was telling me about this really amazing eggplant parm that you make and…”

His laugh cut me off, happy, carefree, so Kai that I felt it again. My chest tightening. But this time, it was accompanied by something else, something new. A swelling feeling in my heart.

“You want to come back to my place so I can cook for you?” he asked as I pushed back, finding him smiling easily, eyes bright.

“And watch Criminal Intent,” I added.

“And watch Criminal Intent,” he agreed.

“Then maybe…”

“Maybe what?”

“You can show me your bedroom,” I suggested.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Professionals Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024