Off Limits (Kings of Mayhem MC 5) - Page 3

Not that there was anyone who turned my head or piqued my interest.

So, I left for college a virgin, ready to hand my V-card to the first decent college boy who was up for the task.

I met Joey the day I arrived in California. Tall. Good looking, Nice smile. Big, strong body straight off the field from football practice. Hair you could run your fingers through while losing hours beneath him. We fell quickly for each other. But Joey was from a religious family. His commitment to God and his faith meant no sex before marriage, which completely devastated my lose-my-virginity plans.

I admit, it was frustrating on many different levels. But even though we did abstain from the actual act of sex, we did satisfy each other in other ways when our make-out sessions got us hot and bothered. I mean, we were away at college and consenting adults. Fingers. Tongues. Hard but fully-clothed body parts. They all came into play. But Joey still wanted to wait.

When Joey asked me to marry him, I was ready to exchange vows on the spot and spend a month in bed with him. I was desperate to fuck and to be fucked. I. Was. Ready. But Joey wanted to do it right and ask my brothers for their blessings. He knew my father had been murdered during an altercation outside of a bar, but that was all he knew about it. I never went into detail. Never told him about the whole motorcycle cub thing.

Like I said, it tended to put guys off.

And I guess I thought it wouldn’t matter once we got serious. I thought he would accept that part of me just as I accepted all of him.

But I was wrong.

So unfuckingbelievably wrong.

When I brought Joey home to Destiny to meet my family, he flailed like a fish out of water. But it wasn’t because he was so completely opposed to the MC world, or because it was in direct opposition with his religious views, it was because he didn’t even try. He had my family and the club judged, sentenced, and hanged within minutes of meeting them. He thought he was better than them. Than us. And I saw a completely different side to him that I quickly realized that I didn’t like. A prejudiced, unattractive side that didn’t know compromise, or want to even entertain the idea.

We argued and he left early without asking my brothers anything.

He dumped me via text message the next day. Our worlds weren’t compatible, he said, and I wasn’t the girl he thought I was. We were done, he said, and I should move on.

Oh. And I should give back the promise ring he gave me… just because.

Broken-hearted and angry, I went to a bar in Destiny that very night to get drunk and finally get fucked. And boy, did I get drunk. Tequila shots. Beer chasers. But the fucked bit? Not a chance! No thanks to Mary-Jane behind the bar. She called my uncle who came to the bar with Ruger and hauled my drunk ass off the eager out-of-towner I was sucking face with.

So, there I was.

A twenty-two-year-old MC princess with her V-card very much in place. And no man in sight to take it from me.

Well… except one…


The bikini-clad ass grinding against my thighs was peachy and perfect, and the long blonde hair trailing down her toned and tanned back was silky and smelled like sweet shampoo. And her tits. Fuck me. They were fucking delicious. So perky and full. And real.

But I wasn’t interested.

A lap dance wasn’t why I was here, and I wasn’t easily tempted when I was focused on business.

I glanced at Bull who was as equally disinterested in the sexy redhead shaking her luscious body on his lap.

We both looked over at our host who immediately realized trying to distract us with pussy wasn’t going to work here.

Spider was the owner of the Slip ‘n Slide, a shady strip joint on the outskirts of town. He was a real slimy character. The kind of guy who left you wanting—no, needing—a shower after he shook your hand. Lanky. Oily. Thinning hair. Leery eyes. Outlandish suits that were just plain bizarre. Like today’s silver silk suit with dark blue palm trees plastered all over it. Yeah, that kind of guy.

With a jerk of his chin the girls left us, and as soon as the doors closed behind them, Spider lapped on the charm.

“Not your flavor? No problem. There’s plenty more where they came from. Or would you prefer we just got down to business?”

Spider owed the Kings of Mayhem for a favor we extended him years ago. Since then, Bull had kept him in our back pocket because he was a good set of eyes in the shadows. He had his ear to the ground and the pulse of the seedy side of town running through his veins. He knew all the shady comings and goings in the county. It was real bottom-feeder stuff, but sometimes it proved valuable.

Tags: Penny Dee Kings of Mayhem MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025