Nothing Left to Lose (Guarded Hearts 1) - Page 46

“I needed the calories so I could carry your bags!” He held up my numerous shopping bags in evidence and raised one eyebrow.

Finally conceding, I nodded. “Okay, let’s just go home now then, your whining is giving me a headache,” I joked. I’d bought enough new things to keep me going for a couple of weeks anyway.

He pumped the air with one fist, and a smile graced his face for the first time in two hours. “Yes, thank you!” he chirped. His eyes flitted over my shoulder and his smile widened. “Let’s get some cookies to take back with us.” I burst out laughing, shaking my head in disbelief.

Once we’d gotten back to the house and I’d hung all of my clothes up, I didn’t want to do much other than just sit and chill, so I suggested watching a movie – and he suggested popcorn.

After finally seeking out popcorn from the cupboards and microwaving it, I slumped onto the sofa in the lounge, while he looked over the wall of DVDs that we had accumulated over the years. After making his choice, he put it on, turned off the lights and then dropped onto the sofa next to me, smiling wickedly.

“What’d you choose?” I asked, watching as the trailers started up.


I frowned and nodded, not having heard of it. “Is that a scary one?”

He chuckled and shoved his hand into the popcorn bowl. “I wouldn’t hazard a guess.”

Shifting to get comfortable, I twisted to the side and put my legs in his lap because there wasn’t much room. He didn’t seem to mind. In the flickering glow of the TV, I saw him smile as he laid his arm across my legs, scooting down in his seat to get more comfortable.

As the movie played, he started absentmindedly rubbing my feet and ankles, and eventually was massaging the back of my calves with his hands up the leg of my jeans. Out of nowhere the lights flicked on and I let out a little squeal because the movie was at a particularly scary part and my heart was already racing in my chest.

My mother stopped short, her hand still on the light switch as her eyes widened in surprise. “Oh! Sorry, I didn’t realise anyone was in here,” she apologised quickly. Her eyes flitted to my legs where Ashton’s hand disappeared up the bottom of my jeans. Catching on to how it probably looked to an outsider, I moved my legs quickly and sat up, clearing my throat awkwardly.

“It’s okay; we’re just watching a movie. Want to watch?” I offered, feeling the heat creep up my neck and spread across my face.

A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she flicked the lights back off again. “No thanks, I’ll watch something in the other room. See you two tomorrow,” she turned and left, closing the door tightly behind her.

I sank my teeth into my lip and turned to look at Ashton to see if he found that as awkward as I did, but apparently he didn’t seem to care about the interruption and was just watching the movie again. Settling back down into the warm spot I’d created. I tried to watch the movie, but I couldn’t get into it again. All I could think about was Ashton rubbing my legs, how nice it had felt at the time, and what on earth my mother had made of it.

When it was finally over, he turned the lights back on while I took the disk from the DVD player. “You like that?” I inquired, clipping it back into the case.

He shrugged, crinkling his nose. “Not really. It was alright,” he answered, shrugging. “To be honest, I was expecting it to scare you; I was hoping you’d be begging me to cuddle you or something. Plan didn’t work.” He smiled in my direction, so I slapped him in the stomach with the DVD case.

I laughed incredulously and rolled my eyes as I picked up the empty popcorn bowl. “It didn’t work because you distracted me with all your foot rubbing,” I joked.

He clicked his tongue in disapproval and shook his head. “I didn’t even realise I was doing that until your mom came in.”

I smiled weakly, heading out of the room and into the kitchen. “Don’t whine, it doesn’t become you. Besides, I’m sure I’ll get plenty scared over the next eight months,” I replied sarcastically, as I put our empty glasses and bowl into the sink.

He stepped up close behind me, his chest practically touching my back. His breath blew down my neck as he spoke, “You’re finally convinced I’m not gonna quit then?” he asked.

A little shiver ran down my spine at how sexy he sounded. Gulping, I mentally chastised myself for still letting him affect me. I pushed my elbow back into his stomach, forcing him to step back and give me some personal space.

“I believe you won’t quit,” I admitted. “Your problem will be if I have to get you transferred,” I warned.

He sighed and stepped back, so I chanced turning and looking up at him. He forced a smile. “You won’t have to get me transferred, I promise.” I smiled gratefully, and a large yawn escaped before I even had time to cover my mouth. He grinned and nodded over his shoulder. “Bedtime, Miss Spencer.”

As we walked through the house, he was asking me what type of movies I preferred because I admitted that I didn’t like horror or paranormal ones. By the time we got to my bedroom door, he frowned and kicked at the floor with his toe. “So, er, can I sleep in your room?”

I gulped, recoiling slightly but nodded in agreement. “I guess, yeah.”

Not waiting for him, I marched into my room and grabbed some pyjamas before heading into the bathroom to change. I took my time, calming my nerves, mentally steeling myself against being in bed with him again. I wasn’t sure this was a good idea after what had happened between us that morning.

Tags: Kirsty Moseley Guarded Hearts Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025