Fighting to Be Free (Fighting to Be Free 1) - Page 42

The guy looked at me warningly. “You had better not be making any f**king moves on my girl!” he growled, stepping closer to me. He looked like he wanted to kill me.

“She’s not your girl anymore, ass**le. Damn, you’re not too good as listening, are you?” I asked, raising my eyebrows, smirking at him.

He looked at me shocked, he was obviously used to getting his own way and having people back down and bow to his every word. “You stay away from Ellie, she’s mine and she’s too good for a little shit like you. You come near her again and we‘re going to have a problem,” he stated, sneering as he looked me over.

“Whatever you say, Mark.” I smiled, trying not to laugh at his threat. He glared at me and turned to go get changed. I grabbed his arm, stopping him from walking off, “Hey, if I see you grab her like that again, I’m going to break every f**king bone in your hand. You understand?” I asked, looking at him warningly.

“Screw you!” he growled, jerking his arm out of my grip making my broken fingers throb again.

He stormed off and I fought the urge to follow him and punch the crap out of him, just in case he grabbed her again like that. I took a deep breath and sat back down on the bleachers, hoping she would come out looking for me when she was changed. Less than a minute later my cell phone rang. I smiled and snapped it open knowing it was her.

“Hey, stud. Sorry I walked off like that, but he was driving me crazy,” she said apologetically.

“It’s fine Ellie, don’t worry.”

“So…… did you want to go to the party with me?” she asked quietly.

“Sure if you want,” I agreed, cringing at how underdressed I was.

“Awesome. I’ll just be ten or fifteen minutes then, ok?”

“Sure, I’ll be sitting in the bleachers. See you in a bit,” I said, grinning my ass of that I would get to spend some time with her tonight.

Chapter 10

Twenty minutes later she came skipping back up the stairs, looking unbelievable in a little denim skirt, ankle boots with a stiletto heel and pale blue shirt. She had the top few buttons undone and it made my heart speed up a little.

“Hey, Stud!” she chirped, smiling.

“Hey. All ready to go?” I asked, trying to check her out discreetly.

She caught me looking and giggled, “You prefer the uniform I bet, right?” she asked, smirking at me.

I laughed “Well actually, I was just trying to work out if you were still wearing those little shorts,” I teased, raising an eyebrow at her, trying to look sexy. Yeah way to go Jamie, you just made yourself look like pervert ass**le, good job! What the hell was it with this girl that made me so freaking perverted and horny?

She stepped up close to me, I could smell her perfume and it was driving me wild. “Well you had better hope that Stacey and Paul make up quickly so we can hang out,” she purred, looking at me through her eyelashes.

She turned to walk off towards the exit, so I grabbed her hand, making her stop. “You look beautiful, Ellie. That’s what I was actually thinking, and what I should have said,” I admitted sheepishly.

She blushed again, “Seriously Jamie, you don’t need to keep up with these corny lines all the time.

These booty calls are good for me too, you don’t need to flatter me to get some,” she giggled, rolling her eyes. Damn, she thinks these are just lines to get her into bed? Wow, this Mark guy must not have treated her that nicely if she thinks that’s all I want from her.

I sighed and she tugged on my hand, making me walk. I smiled happily when she didn’t let go, so I intertwined our fingers. “So, how many people will go to the party?” I asked, grinning proudly that I was holding her hand in public, even though there was no one around to see. Maybe that’s why she did it, and she’d act cold and distant at the party in front of her friends. She had an image to uphold and I didn’t really fit that, the banged up bad boy.

“Almost the whole senior year goes, and any others that tag along.” She shrugged.

Wow, big party. “Is Mark going?” I asked casually.

She turned her nose up, “Yeah probably. He’s star of the field, he’s expected to go, the same as I am,” she huffed, sounding annoyed about it.

“Do you have to go because you’re head cheerleader?” I asked, wanting to know more about her life at the school.

“Yeah kind of, it’s like a job I guess, a lot of things are expected of me.” She shrugged and then frowned as she spoke again. “Mark was ok with you when I left, right? I felt awful just walking off and leaving you with him like that.” She looked at me apologetically, brushing her thumb over my knuckles lightly.

I smiled remembering his threat, “He was fine. He walked off right after you did,” I lied.

She smiled, “Good, I was worried. I’m really sorry,” she said, wincing slightly. I lead her over to my truck and opened the passenger door for her, waiting for her to climb in. “Thanks. If you don’t want to drive then we could go back to mine and get my car. I could drive and drop you home after the party, that way you can drink. I don’t mind driving,” she suggested.

“I’ll drive, it’s fine,” I protested, shrugging and closing the door after her. I didn’t mind not drinking tonight anyway, so I could keep an eye on her ass**le ex-boyfriend. I had a feeling he’d be getting drunk and would probably start trouble or something tonight.

Tags: Kirsty Moseley Fighting to Be Free Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025