Perfect Chaos (Unyielding 1) - Page 36

“Later, Georgie girl.” Tyler headed to the driver’s door. Without waiting for a response, he jumped in the driver’s seat and peeled away.

I looked up at Deck. Our eyes locked and my lips parted about to say something, I just didn’t know what.I’D NEVER FELT so fucked up in my life. I was on the edge of losing it. Who was I kidding; I’d already lost it, pulling a fuckin’ gun on a nurse and then a doctor. Shit, I could imagine what the Chief of Police had screamed in Tyler’s ear. The police may overlook my indiscretions, but I wasn’t immune.

What the fuck was going on with her? An inferno of rage blazed inside me and yeah, it was directed at her. I was so pissed off I was afraid to speak.

Unable to sleep, I’d come back to the hospital to sit with her. That was until they tried to stop me from seeing her and then the straps holding her down like some fuckin’ animal.

I felt her eyes on me as I strode into the elevator and pressed the PH button.

Shit, I felt as if a gun was aimed at me from miles away. I followed my instinct, and I’d never had it let me down—until now. Now, it fucked with me because I’d left her in the hospital when I shouldn’t have. I hated the feeling of uncertainty of what the hell was going to happen here with Georgie. I lived by doing and never second-guessing. You’re dead if you second-guess.

Now, we deal.

A motto we lived by when bad shit went down. There was no point wondering what the fuck you should’ve done or could’ve. Bad shit happened. Fucked-up happened. Deal with it and move on.

But suddenly, dealing with whatever was happening with Georgie was not so cut and dry.I WOKE UP in his bed having slept all day from the sedative. The last I remembered was being held in his arms in the elevator. When I sat up, I saw Deck sitting in the black-leather chair in the corner of the room, a book in hand and one leg casually crossed over the other. He looked completely relaxed and so not like Deck.He quietly closed the book and set it on the dresser beside him before a creak of leather sounded as he stood. I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he strode toward me, stopping when his knees touched the side of the bed. He reached forward and my heart slammed into my chest as he put his hand on my head and smoothed my hair back.

It was the most calming, sweet caress I’d ever experienced, and the heat in my body rose as I took him in. It also scared me as to why he was so calm.

“I’ll make you something to eat while you shower.”

I expected him to pound me with questions. This … this threw me completely off-balance.

There was literally nothing in this world that smelled better than him. It was as if inhaling his scent wrapped my lungs in the comfort of home. I hated that I felt that way, yet after all these years I concluded nothing was changing it.

I loved Deck. Had since I was sixteen and no matter what fucked-up shit was in my head—I always would. But our chance had been destroyed by the fucked-up world we lived in. And yes, by the choices I’d made.

Before he could move away, I grabbed his hand. The coarse feel of his skin sent a wave of desire through me. I needed this connection with him. To feel him. To know he was real, that this was real. Because my life was anything but and suddenly, I needed it to be. “Why do you keep saving me when all I do is disappoint you?”

Deck’s brows lowered and he tried to slip his hand from mine, but I tightened my grip. His scowl intensified. “Georgie. Don’t.” I let his hand go. “Take a shower. Tyler brought over some things for you while you slept. They’re in the bathroom.”

I felt every single word hit me in the heart. It was Deck stomping on my chest with his combat boot and watching as it squished my heart into a pancake. He didn’t even want to touch my hand. Yeah, well, what did I expect?

He walked to the door.

Maybe that was why it was so much easier to be someone I wasn’t. He rejected her, not the real me. I could push it away and drown it out. But now, it was like my two worlds were colliding and I had no escape.

He stopped in the doorway and then without turning said, “No more lies.”

I inhaled sharply and he must have heard me because his shoulders tensed. But he didn’t look at me; instead, he walked away.

Tags: Nashoda Rose Unyielding Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024