Love With A Stranger - Page 7

Gabby’s fascination with Zen the Time Traveler suddenly dissipated into a fog of confusion and concern. Who was this man? Was he a real person or a figment of some novel writer’s imagination? The front of the book which had the title on their suddenly disappeared. In place of it were the words The Tale of Gabby Thompkins told by Brutus Spence. A picture of a young man with beach blonde hair and riveting almond eyes gazed at her as if he really was looking at her. It was as if he were there breathing observing her every movement. Dressed in a nice denim shirt his sleeves rolled up to his muscled arms they perfectly outlined his broad chest muscles. How she wanted to just run her fingers over his ripped body and make passionate love to him. These feelings of lust were something she was starting to experience more and more often. How could she even imagine making love to some creature or something from another planet? That is just crazy.

Just last week on the news she recalled a story that came through from the suburbs of the city. A powerful District Attorney who was prosecuting a well-publicized drug case suddenly had disappeared. She had a perfect ten body as men would call it with her hour glass build and sharp tanned eyes. In the picture she was dressed in a nice silky purple dress outfit. Almost six foot or more in height a former college basketball player this woman seemed to have it altogether. A great marriage three kids grown and in college with promising careers in the future. Gabby wasn’t following the trial like half the world did there was so much negativity in the climate today that she didn’t want to fill her mind with more of it. However, this story caught her attention when the woman suddenly disappeared. Her and her husband were sleeping in their bedroom in one of those fancy white four story mansion like homes on City Line Avenue when the husband spoke of seeing these beings with grey bodies looking like huge ant like creatures take his wife away. Everyone was sure the husband was crazy and probably had her done in for her money or something along them lines. Deep down Gabby as much as she didn’t want to admit it felt there was more to the story.

Sure enough about three weeks after the woman’s sudden disappearance she had come back in their home. There she was sitting in the living room her eyes looking like she was put into some kind of spell. The fire that was in those vivid eyes of hers were gone. Reporters flashed their cameras and microphones in the woman’s face and she had that same slanted look in her face. The entire left hand side of her once unblemished skin had a series of wrinkles and red infected pimples. Even her hands had appeared deeply scarred with an array of burn marks. Her nails were chipped off as if they were cut in a zig zag fashion. It was almost as if she had gone through a complete transformation.

When asked where she was the woman spoke in a feeble tone saying that she was abducted by aliens and impregnated. There was a distant look in her as if she really weren’t here. Not even three days after the former District Attorneys interview with the media she was found dead in her home.

Was there another world that we didn’t know about Gabby wondered? Were they dressed like ants with a mission to zap us humans of all our strengths leaving us abandoned souls. The mere thought of it was more than any act of terrorism in her opinion.

Tossing the book aside swearing she would take it back first thing in the morning she thought she heard a crash of dishes come from her kitchen. Jumping up stumbling over the chairs lift compliments of three full glasses of beer. In the back of her mind she wondered if there was the possibility of her suggestive behavior coming to reality. Could it be possible that just the mere wondering of extra-terrestrial life could make her own worst fears come to reality. She found herself second guessing herself again with Eddie Sprouts sudden death. Could one’s mind really hold that kind of power?

Jolting up from her fall she quickly ran to her unlit kitchen. A quick scan of the dark interior didn’t reveal anything out of the ordinary. There was the faint hum of her refrigerator silently sitting there next to her wooden countertop. The microwave with its sleek black design stood obediently waiting to be used again. The time showed in its bright neon green numbers that it was nearly five o’clock. That had to be close to right Gabby surmised judging from the appearance of dusk taking over the cloudy skies.

Tags: Riley Moreno Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024