Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6) - Page 60

“That’s it, baby, take what you need. Be greedy as fuck. Wanna feel you come all over me. Goddamn, you’re so fucking beautiful.”

The breath caught in Holly’s lungs as he stared at her. What she saw in his expression had her fighting the fleeting urge to cover herself. Not her body; he’d made his appreciation for her form quite obvious, but her heart. Because at that moment, she swore he could see straight to her soul and she’d never felt more vulnerable. Never felt more connected to another person in a way that was vital to her survival. Except for Joy, and this connection, while so different, felt just as significant.

The hand on Holly’s hip tightened, his strong fingers curling into the flesh in a way that might leave marks. Never one to be into that kind of rough possession before, Holly couldn’t help the surge of delight she felt at the idea of seeing evidence of his desire in the mirror tomorrow morning.

LJ lifted his hips and pulled her forward at the same time, slamming deep into her with more force than she’d been able to achieve on her own.

Holly moaned and arched her back. “Jack,” she cried. Her head whipped side to side as she careened toward a looming eruption that was bound to be bigger than anything she’d experienced. She’d completely lost control of her body. A flash of fear shot through her as the magnitude of what barreled toward her set in. “It’s gonna, oh, God, it’s gonna be so big, Jack.”

“Fuck, baby, for me too.” His voice sounded strained, as though he was speaking through a hand wrapped around his throat. “You’re fucking strangling my cock. Let it take you, sugar,” he rasped.

Holly shook her head. “It’s too much. Too big.”

“It’s fucking perfect, baby. Let it take you. I’ll meet you on the other side.” All of a sudden, she felt his talented fingers strumming her clit and fighting it became impossible.

The assurance of him sticking around to catch her set her free and she moaned long and loud. Then, a violent tremor started in her fatigued thighs and ricocheted through her body. Her head fell back on her shoulders so hard; she was forced to brace her hands on his legs or collapse backward. Her nails pricked his skin seeming to ramp him up, if the shout of, “Fuck yes,” was any indication.

The rising swell finally pulled her under making Holly scream into the quiet night. She quivered, grinding her pussy on him in an almost desperate attempt to draw out the orgasm. Her internal muscles clamped down, enhancing the incredible fullness beyond what she’d thought possible.

LJ shouted and let out a harsh curse as his body jerked on the blanket. His eyes flew wide as his neck arched, corded and bulging as he gritted his teeth. After another gravelly shout, he surged up, burying his face between her breasts as his arms banded around her back in a vice grip.

They stayed that way as the last of the tension seeped from Holly’s bones, and her cries turned to whimpers. She had to admit she was glad his face was blocked from her view. The strength of the release left her feeling wide-open emotionally. Too exposed, too vulnerable, and too exhausted to protect her heart.

The sheriff’s daughter falling for the outlaw…

God, she was so screwed.


LJ HAD JUST come so hard, he felt as though his brain had exploded straight out through the top of his skull. Something about this experience had been different than any sexual encounter before it, and LJ was terrified he knew the reason why.

Because he felt connected to Holly on a level that went far deeper than naked bodies and shouts of completion. She’d wormed her way under his skin and dangerously close to that beating organ on the left side of his chest. The one he’d easily turned off in the past but seemed to be at the mercy of this time around. Holly’s love for her sister, her devotion to her parents despite the way they unintentionally shadowed her light. Even the guilt she lived with drew him because he understood it far better than he’d probably ever admit to her.

And that made him quite the fucking coward. Holly had exposed her bleeding soul for him, and he wasn’t willing or able to return the gesture. Nor was he able to take her home after she’d blown his mind and hold her through the night.

He should have tossed her on the back of his bike and taken her home the moment she shouted for him to stop earlier. Instead, he selfishly took from this sweet and generous woman without being able to give back in equal measure.

With his face still pressed between her tits and his arms holding her in an unbreakable bind, LJ inhaled Holly’s sweet vanilla scent. Every few seconds an aftershock shook her body and made a soft whimper escape her lips. As though she was a delectable dessert, LJ licked the side of her tit. Fuck, even her sweat tasted sugary. He did it again and again until he was kissing back and forth between the sides of her tits with wet, open-mouthed, unsophisticated kisses. He couldn’t get enough of the uniquely Holly flavor and given the opportunity, he just might consume her.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024