Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6) - Page 61

She stroked her soft hands over the smooth expanse of his scalp, eventually pulling his head back. With dazed eyes and a satisfied, almost goofy grin, she kissed him. Christ, he could live off her intoxicating mouth.

When Holly finally pulled her mouth free of his, the slightly shy smile she gave him had him chuckling.

She shrugged as though realizing acting bashful now was futile. “Well,” she said as she tilted her head. “I think it’s safe to say you rocked my world.”

“Right back at you, sugar,” he said as he rubbed his hands up and down her damp back. “Are you cold?”

“No,” she said as she shook her head. “I’m not sure I could ever feel cold again.”

Jesus, she slayed him. Keeping his arms around her, LJ leaned back and brought them both to lie on the blanket. Midway, he slipped out of her, making Holly gasp then frown in a near pout.

“Don’t like it any more than you do, gorgeous,” he said before nipping at that protruded lip. “I’d be the happiest man alive if I could just live in your pussy.”

Now sprawled out across his chest, Holly wrinkled her nose. “That’s kinda gross and kinda the nicest thing any man has ever said to me all at once.”

With a laugh, he pressed her head to his chest. They stayed that way, snuggled up and enjoying the quiet night air until Holly began to giggle. The sound quickly morphed into full-on belly laugh that had her entire body shaking against his. If she wasn’t careful, all that wriggling would have him hard and ready to fuck again in minutes.

“You care to share with the rest of the class?” he asked as he reached down and pinched her exposed ass.

Holly yelped, slapping his chest. “I just had sex outside in the woods.” She propped a forearm on his chest and lifted her head. “Not just sex, but the best sex ever. Outside.”

With a roll of his eyes, he flicked a finger over her nose. “Yeah, sugar, I’m pretty aware of that. You know, since I’m the dude you had sex with.”

That had her racked with giggles all over again. “You don’t get it. I’m like a total light-off, keep-my-shirt-on, kinda girl.”

He snorted as he said, “Shut the fuck up.”

She tweaked his nipple, and the sharp sensation made him grunt. “I’m serious. If someone had told me yesterday that I’d be having sex outside all exposed to the world, I’d have had them committed. You must have done some kinda voodoo on me, mister.” As she spoke, she played with his nipple.

“You’re the one who needs to be committed. I swear to fuck your body was created from my fucking fantasies, sugar. I’m making a rule, right here and now. We are a lights-on, all-articles-of-clothing-off kinda couple. Got it?”

A beaming smile lit her face, whether it was the compliments or the fact that he’d thrown the word couple out there, LJ was afraid to ask.

“You know what? I’m gonna say okay to that.”

He winked. “Wouldn’t a taken any other answer.”

Feeling happier than he had in years, LJ pressed her back down to his chest. Once again they fell quiet until the post-fuck fatigue kicked in and LJ’s eyelids began to droop.

Time to go.

He’d already let this go too far, and if they stayed this way much longer, he’d be drifting off and who the fuck knew what would happen after that.

“You ready to head out, sugar?” He patted her ass.

“What? Huh?” she asked in a slurred voice that indicated she’d been passed out.

“I know what you said earlier, but you gotta be getting cold by now. Plus, I should be getting you home.”

“Oh.” She shimmied off his body until she sat at his side, rubbing her sleep heavy eyes. “Yeah.” She shivered then huffed out a laugh. “Okay, yeah it’s getting pretty chilly now.”

LJ peeled off the condom, knotted it, then shoved it in his back pocket. Not much else to do with it out there. Then he stood, gathered his clothes and a little something extra to keep as a souvenir.

Hunting around on her knees, Holly found her clothes as well. After her bra and T-shirt were back in place, she stood with her workout pants in hand and a frown on her face as she still scanned the ground. “Okay,” she finally said. “There’s a chance I can’t find my panties.”

LJ laughed, which had her head lifting. “What’s so funny?” she asked, hands on her hips. Then she said, “Oh screw it,” and stepped into her sweatpants sans panties.

Standing about five feet from her, LJ couldn’t keep the smirk off his face.

“What? What’s so funny? Am I missing something?”

LJ tapped the front right pocket of his jeans which bulged more than his left.

“I don’t get it.” Then her eyes bugged. “Please tell me you don’t have my panties in there.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024