Just One Night (The Kingston Family 1) - Page 54

Linc picked her up with Max driving, as usual. His eyes lit up when he saw her, but she couldn’t find comfort in the fact that he found her attractive. Not when so much more was at stake.

Linc was in a good mood as they drove to MSG, and she tried to put everything out of her head until later. On the way, they chatted, making small talk.

“Will Chloe’s fiancé be there tonight?” she asked.

Linc frowned. “No. Concerts are too loud for him. Pussy,” he muttered under his breath.

She couldn’t help but laugh. “I have a question. Would any man be good enough for your sister?”

He leaned back against the seat. “I take the Fifth.”

She laughed. Soon they pulled up at the Garden. Linc helped her out and kept an arm secure around her waist as they pushed past the crowds and headed to the private entrance to the VIP suites. The family had backstage passes, and their tickets were for a box high up in the arena. The actual VIP event was scheduled for after the show for a select group of people allowed to hang out with the band, including family and close friends.

Once inside the box, she said hello to everyone, doing her best to avoid Chloe’s and Aurora’s curious stares. She was actually glad when Linc made his way over to Aurora and hugged her tight. Jordan trusted the young woman not to spill Jordan’s secret.

While waiting for the opening act, she walked over to Xander, who had poured himself a drink.

“Hi there,” she said.

“Hi, yourself. Can I get you something?” He gestured to the bar.

“Club soda would be great.”

He filled a glass with ice and handed her the cup. “So. What’s happening in your life?” he asked.

“I think I’d rather know about the life of a famous novelist,” she said, deflecting and turning the subject to him.

He shrugged. “Just writing my next book and talking to the director and producer about the next movie.”

“He says modestly.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “Who’d have thought the Kingston brother who went off to join the marines would end up being a world-famous thriller writer.”

His eyes turned darker. “Writing lets me deal with things without actually having to talk about them.”

Every sibling had found their own way to deal with Kenneth Kingston’s affairs and painful behavior. Xander’s had been to get as far away as he could. No one knew what had happened when he was overseas, but when he returned, he became more of a loner who put his emotions on the page.

“Well, I’m proud of you. In fact, I have an entire bookshelf devoted to your books. Someday I expect you to come sign them.” She lifted her cup and took a sip of her bubbly drink.

“It would be my pleasure. Invite me over any time.” He winked at her, and she laughed, just as Linc joined them, slipping an arm around Jordan’s waist.

“What are you trying to get her to invite you to?” he asked Xander.

“Jordan wants me to sign her X. Kingston collection, and I told her I just need an invite.” Xander grinned.

“Just make sure I’m there when this Bozo shows up.” Linc pulled her closer and his fingers wrapped nearer to her belly.

She jerked away in panic. “I think I hear the opening act.” She turned to the big window overlooking the arena, and sure enough, as if she’d conjured them, the band was on stage, the sound of their guitar and drums growing louder.

The warm-up band played, and by the time they finished, the crowd was stamping their feet and calling for The Original Kings to come out.

Dash, as the lead singer, commanded the stage. Jordan had seen him evolve over the years, from a young boy performing in random bars to the man and star performer he was now. She put her problems away, letting herself sing, clap, and dance to the music, losing herself and her problems.

Linc was by her side, enjoying watching his brother with all the pride of an older sibling. His hands often came to Jordan’s shoulders, his lips settling on her neck, causing shivers of awareness to ripple through her in the dark room, lit only by the lights of the band. Her nipples grew tight and desire lit a flame inside her. God, she wished relationships were as simple as moments like they shared tonight.

When the lights came on, everyone was on a high from the performance, and they were talking loudly because their ears were ringing from the blaring sound of the music for the last couple of hours.

They made their way downstairs to the room where the band’s meet and greet was to be held. People from all the boxes and those who’d won tickets courtesy of music stations and online sites waited for their time with members of the band.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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