Just One Night (The Kingston Family 1) - Page 55

Everyone talked over each other, and Jordan was uncomfortable with the crowds, needing air. “I’m going to find a chair and sit,” she said in Linc’s ear because it was the only way for him to hear her.

“Let’s go into the outer room. It’s quieter there.” He grasped her hand and led the way.

She followed, working their way past the groups of people until they found the door and stepped into the outer connecting room. The sounds immediately dimmed, and she could hear herself think again.

She pressed her palms against her ears and patted them hard. “My God. This night has been insane!” She knew she was still talking too loudly and laughed.

“I like seeing you happy like this.” Linc looked at her intently, his stare steady.

God, he was gorgeous. She loved that he hadn’t shaved completely, the scruff of beard on his handsome face so appealing.

Suddenly she remembered what she had to tell him, and she sobered, feeling the grin on her face dimming. Before she could react, a male voice called her name. Thinking it was one of the Kingston brothers, she turned, shocked to see Collin Auerbach, her ex, walking up to her, a pregnant woman by his side.

Bile rose up in her throat, and Linc, who had met Collin years ago when she’d started dating him, slid a steadying arm behind her back.

But she wanted to handle this herself, without Collin knowing his presence brought back painful memories. Or that he affected her at all, and she pulled away to stand on her own. She knew that if she wasn’t pregnant now, she wouldn’t be thrown by his presence at all.

He strode up to her, looking every bit the preppy guy she’d known, with his light brown hair and caramel eyes, wearing slacks and a long-sleeve shirt. His outfit was too conservative for a concert. His wife, in her black pants and fitted maternity top, looked at her curiously. She clearly had no idea who Jordan was.

“Jordan! It’s been a long time,” Collin said.

It hadn’t been long enough as far as she was concerned. She treated him to a forced smile. “Collin. I didn’t think concerts were your thing.”

“They’re more Naomi’s. She loves The Original Kings and I got us box seats. She’s dying to meet Dash Kingston.” His gaze came to Linc’s.

The two men didn’t run in the same circles, so they hadn’t met up since the early days of Collin’s relationship with Jordan. But from Collin’s expression, he obviously recognized him.

“Aah, you two are still close, huh? And Dash Kingston is your brother. What do you say you get us to the front of the VIP line? You know, for an old friend?” He let out a laugh, as if he truly meant what he said.

“You have got to be kidding me. How about I escort you out?” Linc asked through clenched teeth.

Jordan put a calming hand on his arm. She did not want a scene.

“Collin? What’s going on? Are you going to introduce me?” his wife asked.

“Yes, Collin. Why don’t you introduce us?” Jordan asked with sugary sweetness in her tone.

“And while you’re at it, why don’t you give her the history of your relationship?” Linc said the one thing sure to send Collin running.

And it worked if his panicked expression was anything to go by.

“Honey, let’s go. The line is long and I’m not feeling well.” He glared at Linc, then turned to Jordan. “I thought enough time had passed that we could be civil.”

“Never,” she said through clenched teeth.

He grabbed his wife’s hand and pulled her away, heading out of the room, Naomi complaining the entire time because he’d promised her she’d meet Dash Kingston.

Jordan let out a long breath and shook her head. “I swear to God, of all the nerve.” It wasn’t like Collin didn’t know what had happened with her pregnancy, either.

About a month after she’d lost the baby, she’d sent him an email letting him know because she sensed it was the right thing to do, no matter how much of an asshole he’d been. She hadn’t heard back. She’d been young and stupid and here she was again. Pregnant by a man who she knew had concerns about having children and whose life she worried she wouldn’t fit into long-term.

“Hey, are you okay?” Linc asked.

She forced herself to meet his worried stare. “I’m fine and he’s still an asshole.”

“There you guys are!” Aurora walked over with Chloe beside her. “Hasn’t tonight been incredible?”

Jordan smiled. “It has been.” A wave of dizziness washed over her, and she barely held herself up with the heels of her shoes wobbling a bit.

She shot Chloe a nervous look, and she must have seen something in Jordan’s expression that told her what to do. “Linc, come on. Want to introduce you to someone.”

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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