Be with Me (Return to Haven 2) - Page 54

“I’ve never gone without, but this is your call, Mel.”

She looped her arms around his neck and arched her body against his. “I just want to feel you, Tanner. Show me how this should be.”

“With pleasure.”

His lips feathered lightly over hers as he joined their bodies. Melanie wrapped her legs around his waist and opened her mouth to him. She wanted to feel him everywhere all at once. Finally, he settled his weight a bit more on her and she savored the moment. There was something indescribably sexy about the strength Tanner possessed, a strength she didn’t fear.

With slow movements, he shifted his hips in sync with hers. Melanie’s fingertips dug into his back as she pulled from the kiss and arched her neck. Eyes shut, she fell into the moment, letting each and every sensation take hold of her.

Tanner’s hands seemed to be everywhere, his lips traveled down her neck and across her chest. He murmured something she couldn’t make out. Her entire body tightened as she tumbled into the most blissful state her body had ever known. Even more than before.

When Tanner’s fingertips dug into her hips, his body stilled. Melanie opened her eyes to watch him and was shocked to see him looking down at her. The muscles in his jaw clenched, his lips thinned, and those eyes held so many emotions Melanie couldn’t even begin to describe them.

Tanner’s body relaxed and he eased himself onto her and nuzzled his face against her neck. Melanie flattened her palms against his back and inhaled the masculine scent she’d come to associate with Tanner.

She wasn’t sure what to say or do at this moment, but lying there, just like that, felt right. Words weren’t necessary; in all honesty they would ruin the bliss they’d just shared.

The blaring of an obnoxious ringtone sliced right through the blessed peace. So much for enjoying the moment.

“That’s me,” he murmured, lifting himself off her. “Sorry, but I have to take that.”

She nodded her understanding, instantly cold from the lack of his warm body pressing her into his bed. Melanie tugged at the comforter and wrapped herself up as Tanner walked from the room. He didn’t bother with clothes, but yet again, if she looked that stellar, she wouldn’t wear clothes, either.

Melanie heard him mumbling in the other room. She leaned back against his pillows and glanced around Tanner’s bedroom. This wasn’t how she thought a bachelor’s inner sanctum would look. He had a gray accent chair in the corner with a white throw over the back. The dresser and chest of drawers matched his bed and looked like something from a magazine. There was even an area rug. Everything was done in gray and navy, but still, quite shocking for someone like Tanner. She expected a bed with rumpled sheets and maybe a nightstand.

Leaning forward just a bit, she was able to glance into his master bath. Was that a soaker tub? Sweet mercy, what she wouldn’t give for an hour in that right about now.

“Go ahead.”

Melanie yelped and jerked her attention back to the doorway where Tanner stood unashamedly naked and smiling.

“The tub, go right ahead,” he stated, closing the distance to the bed. “I actually have to go out, but you can stay.”

He climbed onto the bed and framed her face in his hands, holding her gaze with his. “In fact, I want you to be right here when I return.”


“It’s getting late,” he argued. “You might as well sleep here.”

His fingertip ran up her arm and over her shoulder. The tremble that shook her had her nodding in agreement before she could fully consider the consequences of spending the night.

“Use the tub,” he told her. “I’ve never used it, so you’ll be the first.”

Melanie quirked her brow. “You’ve never had another woman in that tub?”

“Never.” He came to his feet and stared down at her. “Despite my reputation, I haven’t slept with every woman I’ve dated and I never bring anyone to my house.”

“You brought me twice.” Way to state the obvious, but she just couldn’t believe she was the only one.

“We’ll discuss my past later,” he promised. “Right now duty calls.”

Melanie didn’t know where he was going and she wasn’t sure she even had the right to ask. She trusted Tanner. He’d given her no reason not to.

He went to the chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of boxer briefs. She had to admit, watching him dress was just as erotic and sensual as watching him undress. How could she already be aroused?

“If you don’t stop looking at me like that I’ll never get out of here.”

Melanie swiveled her legs over the side of the bed and gathered the comforter around her. She crossed toward the bathroom and offered him a smile as she passed.

Tags: Jules Bennett Return to Haven Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024