Be with Me (Return to Haven 2) - Page 55

“I’m going to assume you don’t keep a stock of fragrant bubble bath in here.”

Tanner laughed. “That would be a negative. But the tub does have jets. I assume they work just fine.”

“How long will you be?” she asked, then mentally cursed herself for getting too personal. “Sorry. Ignore that. You don’t owe me an explanation.”


She glanced over her shoulder. Tanner stood with his jeans on and unbuttoned, that glorious chest with a splattering of dark hair covering his pecs. The tattoo over his shoulder captivated her, and she wondered what had made him choose a sprawling eagle with one wing that spread over his shoulder and onto his back while the other seemed to spear down his arm.

“You can ask me anything,” he stated. “I’ve told you that before. All I can tell you about tonight is that it’s work related, but I have no idea how long I’ll be.”

He stalked toward her and Melanie gripped the comforter even tighter against her body. “Make yourself at home, okay? Fridge is stocked, watch TV, take a bath, go to bed. Do anything. Just don’t leave.”

Melanie smiled. “I promise I’ll stay.”

“When you move in I’ll buy you that bubble bath.”

Rolling her eyes, she swatted at his bare chest. “I’m not moving in, Tanner. This is just one night.”

He quirked one brow as if to argue, but he went back to the dresser and pulled out a T-shirt. She headed into the bathroom to start filling up the tub, and before he left he called out his goodbye.

There was something so familial about this entire night. Tanner surprising her, the amazing sex, him rushing off to work while she relaxed with a bath. Is this how a real relationship actually worked? Is this what life with someone who cared about you was supposed to be?

Melanie tested the water with her toe and then climbed on in. She sank into the warm water as she reclined against the cool porcelain. She lifted her hair up and let it fall over the back of the tub to rest on the surround.

Part of her felt a bit strange being in Tanner’s house without him. She’d gone from a one-night stand to cozying up in his personal space.

Melanie closed her eyes and forced herself to relax. She was expecting his child and they had plenty of time to figure out the dynamics of their relationship. But one thing was certain, Melanie wouldn’t lose sight of who she’d set out to be. She was damn proud of the woman she’d become. She wouldn’t be who she was today without the help of Livie and Jade.

And it was those two women who had pulled her here to Haven. Melanie loved this quaint town, loved the prospect of the airport growing into something fabulous, she loved the idea of becoming a mother and setting down roots here for her child.

She would be remiss if she didn’t add Tanner to that mix. Her feelings for him were growing, whether she was ready or not. She couldn’t have slept with him twice if she didn’t care.

Melanie smiled as she thought of how he’d spoken

to her. There had been such conviction and determination in his tone. He truly cared. Whether or not that led to something more, well, only time would tell.

Chapter Twelve

Taking naps sounds so childish. I prefer to call

them horizontal life pauses.

—Mel’s Motivational Blog

“This is bogus, man.”

Tanner put his hand on the guy’s head and settled him into the back of the patrol car before slamming the door. He’d yet to arrest someone who fully confessed to dealing drugs. However, they were always so quick to squeal on their friends.

This time the undercover officer they’d placed in the gym had managed to get the names of the “higher ups,” and that made for one successful bust.

Tanner patted the top of the car and the officer pulled from the lot, heading toward the station. It was well past midnight now and all he wanted to do was get back home to Melanie.

Home to Melanie. Just those words sent a spiral of emotions through him. Anticipation of what their future held gripped his heart. Wondering where they’d ultimately end up constantly filtered through his mind. But most of all, there was still that fear he couldn’t let go of.

As long as she was with him, he could convince himself she and the baby were safe. Not that he was a doctor by any means, but there was peace of mind in seeing her happy and healthy.

Soon her belly would start rounding out. There would be ultrasounds, kicks from growing little legs, and ultimately the birth. His arms ached to hold his child. He never thought he’d feel this way again, but damn it, he wanted this. He wanted to be a father, to raise a child in a loving, caring home.

Tags: Jules Bennett Return to Haven Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024