Curly (Hell's Handlers MC Florida Chapter 1) - Page 74

The slurping and crunching sounds of famished dogs filled the room.

“Unless you need to go. Don’t feel like you have to stick around, but you’re welcome to stay until she’s finished. Or longer. Whatever.”

Brooke was cute when she got flustered, and lately, he seemed to fluster her more and more. Her mistrust of men and relationships made perfect sense—hell, he wanted to fly to California and beat the fuck outta her shit-stain ex—but she had nothing to fear with him. Not only did he have no desire to control her in any way, but he also had no plans for any complicated commitment. Okay, maybe there was one way he could imagine controlling her, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t like to be dominated in bed either. Though seeing her submit to him would be so sexy, his heart would likely give out. Then again, having her boss him around while naked would be fun, too.

Shit, he was starting to feel pretty damn hungry himself.

“Nah, I’m not in a rush. Don’t have any scheduled plans until the weekend. Guy who’s gonna be our enforcer just got out of the military and will be rolling into town this weekend. He’ll be crashing with me until he gets all his shit sorted. You’ll have to meet him. Think you’ll like him.”

What the fuck? She had to meet Scott? What the hell did he care whether she met his people? If he wasn’t careful, she’d start thinking he was some sappy fucker who wanted to bring her home to meet the fucking fam.

He nearly shuddered at the thought of that potential disaster. Who remained of his family hadn’t spoken to him since his arrest. Now that he was out, he had no plan to reach out to them, and none of them had made any attempt to contact him. Fuck ’em all for refusing to stand by him when he proclaimed his innocence. He had a brother, a set of parents, and a handful of cousins besides Tyler who’d never know a thing about his life.

Their loss.

Brooke glanced his way. She’d gotten some sun today, deepening her tan. The tips of her shoulders were pink, along with her nose. Her ponytail had loosened throughout the day, and strands of hair now hung free. The woman was downright stunning in her natural state. He’d never given much thought to all the primping women he’d been within the past had done, but with Brooke, he loved how she didn’t cover herself up or alter her natural beauty.

“You want a beer or something while we wait for them to finish up? Or maybe something to eat?” she asked.

“An ice-cold beer sounds perfect.”

“It does. Follow me.” Smiling, she waved him into her house.

It was a picture-perfect Florida evening. The surprising lack of humidity for the time of year made for a pleasant warmth. Evenings like this made him want to live outside, watch the sunset, and do nothing but soak up his freedom.

Enjoy life the way it was intended to be enjoyed.

He couldn’t help but imagine Brooke at his side, enjoying life’s simple pleasures. A sense of peace washed over him. It was a nice vision, as though they belonged side by side.

Crazy thoughts.

“Here you go,” Brooke said as she handed him an uncapped bottle. Her cheeks were pink, and she wouldn’t meet his gaze, which seemed odd. If she wanted him to leave, why hadn’t she let him go when he’d offered to grab Harley and get outta her hair?

Then he glanced down at the beer bottle, and her bashful reaction made sense. She’d given him his favorite beer. One that came from a local microbrewery. The same kind he’d had at his house.

What the fuck did that mean? Had she purchased it, hoping he’d be around to share it with her? He almost laughed out loud.

Way to make it about you.

More likely, she enjoyed the brew and wanted some or herself. Why was that option disappointing?

“It’s good,” she said, voice slightly defensive as though she’d heard the direction of his thoughts. “I hadn’t had it before. Now I’m hooked.”

Well, that answered that. But she still wouldn’t make eye contact.


“Wanna sit outside?” she asked as she collected two more beers from the fridge.

“Yeah, I was just thinking how it’s a sin to be inside on evenings like this.”

“Definitely.” She filled a small bucket with ice, then stuck the extra drinks in it. “Let’s do it.”

They sat in silence next to each other on a pair of lounge chairs near her pool. Whatever comfortable intimacy they’d shared earlier at the beach had dissolved into a thick tension where neither seemed to know how to fill the silence. It’d happened the moment she called the dogs for dinner. As if she’d realized he was invading her personal private sanctuary, though she hadn’t seemed to mind it the other night.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell’s Handlers MC Florida Chapter Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024