Curly (Hell's Handlers MC Florida Chapter 1) - Page 75

He bit off a groan. Last thing he needed to be thinking about was the other night and how incredible she’d looked coming apart for him.

“Can I ask you something?” she said right after draining her first beer.

He’d polished one off as well and reached for a second the same time she did. Their fingers brushed, sending a jolt of electricity straight up his arm and somehow to his dick. “Anything.”

“What’s the appeal of forming a new motorcycle club after all you’ve been through? I mean, from what you’ve said, you were specifically framed because the father of the murdered girl hated MCs with a passion. Doesn’t that make you think twice about doing it all over again?” Then as though she only realized the personal nature of the question once the words were out there, she shook her head. “Shit. That’s such an invasive question. Please don’t answer. The beer must be loosening my lips.”

He chuckled at her embarrassment. “Nah, it’s all good, babe. You know where I went as soon as I got my head on straight after being released?”

She shook her head. The twilight hour made her tanned skin almost glow. With her wind-blown hair in a high ponytail and the simple outfit of a red T-shirt and denim shorts, she was natural, casual, and so goddammed appealing his dick got hard just looking at her.

“I went to see Holly.”

Her jaw unhinged. “Wait, isn’t she the twin of the girl who was murdered?”

With a nod, he took a long drag of the beer, wishing it was something a bit stronger. The past was something he couldn’t avoid. Hell, it had dominated thirteen years of his life, but that didn’t make it easy to talk about.

“Yes. They were twelve when Joy died. I’d met Holly a few weeks before Joy’s murder. She’d been late leaving a friend’s house and was racing home on her bicycle. The front tire hit a rock, and she flew over the handlebars. Scraped herself all the fuck up and mangled her bike. I saw it happen, so I stopped and gave her a ride home. Then I called one of my prospects to pick up her bike. We fixed it for her, and I left it in her parents’ driveway.”

Brooke’s forehead wrinkled as though she didn’t understand what any of this had to do with her question, but she stayed quiet.

He appreciated the silent moment to gather his thoughts.

“Of course, since she was Joy’s twin, she was questioned as a witness during the investigation. Her parents had no idea what had gone down the night I helped her out, but when the cops asked if she or Joy had ever encountered any members of my club, she told them about it. She also told them I was kind to her and how she hadn’t felt uncomfortable or threatened in my presence. That little girl stood up for me and said I could never have killed Joy. My own family didn’t have my back like she did. Even after I was arrested, Holly stuck to her belief that I couldn’t have done it.” He shrugged, attempting to shake off the hatred and disgust that always accompanied these memories.

Betrayed by his ol’ lady.

Betrayed by a club brother.

Set up by the police.

Abandoned by his family.

So many had turned on him, but not Holly. The only one standing at his side had been a twelve-year-old girl. What did that say about his life and the kind of man he’d been?

Nothing good. But now, he had a second chance to write his story. It’d be better this time around. He’d do better.

He cleared his throat. “But she was a kid, so her opinion meant dick to anyone. Especially once they found evidence that I’d done it.”

Brooke sat up, swinging her legs over the side of her chair, so she faced him. Her beer dangled from her hands, and her face was a mask of disbelief and sorrow. “God, Curly, I had no idea…”

“Anyway, after I got out, I took a few months to get my head right, then went to see her. She’d hooked up with a guy in an MC, if you can believe that shit,” he said with a chuckle. To say he’d been shocked to find that out was the understatement of the year. He’d been fucking floored. Her father had nearly disowned her before she’d discovered his corruption. “He’s a good man. She’s a great girl. Twenty-five now.” He snorted. “Fuck, I could be her father. Kinda feel like it now.”

Brooke gave him a soft smile. “You spent time with her?”

“Yeah, right up until I came here. Their club is great. They live the life I always wanted when I patched in with the Outlaws. They’re a true brotherhood. One that cares less about profit and power and more about family. A family of damn good men and damn amazing women. I wanted it back then to make up for my own shit family, and I still want it now. It’s in my blood or something. So I’ll be opening an extension of their club here and running it the way they do.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell’s Handlers MC Florida Chapter Erotic
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