Lucky Charm (Lucky 1) - Page 84

Instead she felt a bone-deep emptiness. One she feared would grow larger over time.

LONG AFTER DEREK AND Gabrielle had climbed into his bed, long after they’d made love and fallen asleep in each other’s arms, Derek lay awake, replaying the night in his head.

I love that kid. Derek had heard and processed every word that came out of Gabrielle’s beautiful lips. He’d merely pretended he’d been preoccupied.

He didn’t know what he was going to do with her, nor did he know what to do with feelings that were growing by the day. Right now, though, he had to keep her safe. And for that reason, letting Holly go home with her mother seemed like the most logical—if painful—solution. But he had no intention of allowing Marlene to think she could continue calling the shots where his daughter was concerned. There would be no more allowing Marlene to schedule silly things on his visitation weekends. No longer letting her find convenient excuses not to put Holly on the phone when he called.

In fact, first thing tomorrow, he was getting Holly her own cell phone with a limited calling plan so he could get in touch with her whenever he wanted.

He’d just found his daughter again.

He wasn’t about to lose her.

THE NEXT FEW DAYS PASSED in a haze of normalcy. Derek woke up beside Gabrielle, they’d shower, eat breakfast with Holly, then she’d head off to the library to work while he took Holly to the beach. In between, he’d have business appointments while his father took over hanging out with Holly and Fred. Holly had agreed to go home with her mother as long as she could come back as often as she wanted.

Derek knew how much she missed her mother. Because he didn’t want her to feel torn between her parents, he’d made the decision an easy one for her. “Fred and I need some alone time to plan your birthday party,” he’d said.

She’d laughed.

In reality, Derek was glad Marlene was home in time for Holly’s birthday. All Derek could offer her was cake, presents, Grandpa Hank and Fred, the dirty old basset hound. Her mother could give her the one thing she needed more. A party with friends her own age.

This morning, the sky was overcast, which nixed a trip to the beach, so he decided to go to the office for a few hours before meeting Hank and Holly for lunch at the Diner. He finished up early and decided to stop by the library to see if Gabrielle wanted to join them.

Along the way, he noticed all the new election signs posted along the town line and sporadically in well-traveled places in Perkins.

Bold signs with a bolder message, urging voters to listen to their conscience, to ignore curses and vote for change. In both towns there were fliers announcing a town meeting where people could meet Richard Stern and discover what he stood for. As promised, Richard had stepped up his campaign, putting pressure on his opponent.

The Perkins family’s power in town was now, unofficially, in jeopardy. Derek couldn’t imagine that Mayor Perkins appreciated the fact.

Derek parked and entered the air-conditioned library. Because it was a nice summer day, the place was empty. He found Sharon alone in her back office.

He knocked on the door to announce his presence and she jumped up, obviously on edge.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Derek placed a hand on the doorknob.

Sharon nodded. “It’s not you, it’s everything else going on,” she said.

He inclined his head in understanding.

“So what brings you by?” she asked.

He narrowed his gaze. “Gabrielle, what else? I didn’t see her. I even che

cked the microfilm area. Is she around or did she step out to get lunch?”

Bracing her hands on the desk, Sharon rose to her feet. “Gabrielle isn’t here.”

“Isn’t she working on her book here?” he asked.

“I haven’t seen her.” She bit her lower lip.

“Not today, but yesterday? Or the day before?” he asked, a bad feeling gnawing at his gut.

She shook her head. “But I’m sure she has a good reason for telling you she was here….” Sharon trailed off.

“I’m sure she just didn’t want me to worry.” Or get angry with her, he thought. “She probably wanted you out of the loop, too. You have enough on your mind without worrying about whatever she’s up to.”

Sharon exhaled a deep breath. Wasn’t that just like Gabrielle? “Well, the least she could do was let me know she’d need a cover,” Sharon muttered.

Tags: Carly Phillips Lucky Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024