Dare to Take (Dare to Love 6) - Page 52

Unfortunately, she was on a mission, not thinking about emotions, only looking to feel good and forget. As a guy who used to react the same way, he didn’t miss the irony that now he wanted something more, deeper and more meaningful.

She pushed at his shoulders, and he rolled onto his back, easing himself up farther on the bed. With a determined glint in her eyes, she set one knee on either side of his legs and straddled him, lowering herself until her mouth was inches away from his rock-hard cock.

She deliberately breathed out, her warm breath wrapping him in teasing heat, and he curled his hands into the comforter, attempting to focus on anything but the blood pumping through his veins and settling in his dick.

Before he could prepare himself, her tongue snaked out, and she licked the pre-come off the head, causing electricity to shoot through his body. He bucked up, his cock jutting straight out, and she caught him between her waiting lips. Once her warm breath and slick tongue got hold of him, Tyler couldn’t remember a damn thing, including his own name.

She licked and sucked, pulling him all the way to the back of her throat, deeper than he’d imagined she would, and he’d had plenty of fucking dreams about this. Then she used her hand along with her mouth, and he saw stars.

His hips jerked in time to her persistent suckling. She alternated grazing him with her teeth, slicking her tongue over his shaft, and humming around him until his body vibrated beneath her. What was supposed to be about her became about him.

She gave and gave, refusing to release him, ignoring his tap on her head, warning her to let go. He needed to be inside her with a desperation, wanting to come but not like this. But he wasn’t in charge; she was.

And she was determined to control the outcome. Suck. Pump. Graze. Hum. He lost track of time and place. His balls drew up tight. He was on the verge of an explosive orgasm, and she must have known it. Felt it. Because she doubled down on her effort, and suddenly there was no stopping the surge, the volcano-like explosion that ripped through his body. He came with a shout, her name on his lips, as he shuddered through the onslaught. And she stayed with him, swallowing every last drop.

His head fell against the mattress because he was so fucking spent. But he couldn’t let things end here, so he forced himself to move. He flipped her off him, onto her back, and came over her. He held her down, hands on her hips, and slicked his tongue through her soaking-wet folds. Obviously taking care of him had aroused her beyond belief.

It was nearly enough to give a jolt to his well-sated cock. He dipped his head and inhaled her fragrant scent, so perfect. So Ella. And then he began to devour her, eating her up like he was a starving man at a feast. Licking and sucking her clit into his mouth until she was banging on the mattress, screaming his name.

He didn’t let up, sliding his tongue over and around the sensitive nub, pausing only to insert a finger into her ready body, pumping in and out, to the jerky movements of her hips, the groans and cries coming from her lips. She’d given him the best orgasm he’d ever had short of the ones he experienced inside her body, and he intended to treat her to the same explosive completion.

He curved his finger inside her body, finding her spongy inner walls, and she shrieked, “God yes, I’m coming!” And she did, shuddering and shaking, riding out her orgasm around his hand and against his mouth. He didn’t let up until he’d wrung every last contraction from her body.

Only then did he collapse to one side, wrapping himself around her, exhausted but satisfied he’d accomplished his goal. She wasn’t thinking about anything except him.

* * *

Ella couldn’t concentrate on work. Although she sat at her desk and attempted to make her way through her to-do list, her mind was full of everything that had gone on in the last twenty-four hours.

I love you. Tyler’s words echoed through Ella’s mind, over and over until she thought she’d go insane. It was everything she’d ever wanted to hear from him … and yet she couldn’t respond in kind. Not until she fixed herself. And boy, did she need fixing.

Without thinking, she filled out the application, which was in her purse, stuck it in an envelope, and put it with the outgoing mail.

She picked up the phone and called information, then dialed the prison where her father was located and explained who she was, that her father was dying, and asked how she could expedite visitation. She was informed that their computer systems were down and someone would get back to her with an answer.

Her stomach hurt through the whole process of calling a state prison and being informed of the visiting rules, but she forced herself to handle it all. Because what awaited her when she came out the other side was something she’d never imagined having.

A man who really and truly loved her. But before she could give herself to him, she needed to be whole. She needed to put the past, and the needy little girl who often crept into her adult life, behind her.

Somehow the day crept by, and Tyler showed up as usual for the ride home. He walked in, looking sexy as always, even after a long day at work. In his charcoal slacks and white button-down shirt, he was every bit the imposing man she was falling for.

Had already fallen for, she amended, unable look away from his handsome face. And not as her best friend’s older brother she had a crush on but the caring, sensitive, often demanding adult Tyler he’d shown her as he’d opened his heart.

On that thought, it being the first time she’d allowed herself to go there, she glanced away, not wanting him to read her emotions and feelings on her face. Instead, she organized the files and papers on her desk and rose to meet him.

“Hi there,” she said, unable to stop the smile at the sight of him. Her own fears and issues be damned, this man made her feel good. So she rose to her tiptoes and brushed a kiss over his lips.

“Hi, yourself.” He squeezed her waist, his eyes twinkling.

“Not that I mind you being here, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but are we close to finding out what’s going on? Who’s after me?” Another thing to add to the things floating around in her head, consuming her thoughts.

His big hand on her back heated her skin. “We’ll talk when we’re out of here, okay?” he asked, meeting her gaze.

“Okay. It’s just that I hate feeling cooped up, bringing lunch, not being able to go out and get fresh air unless one of your men is following me. I want my life back,” she said.

He ran his knuckles down her cheek, his warm gaze never leaving hers. “With a little luck, you’ll have that soon.”

“She’ll have what soon?” Angie asked, striding out of her office and pausing by Ella’s desk. “And who is this handsome young man?”

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare to Love Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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