Dare to Take (Dare to Love 6) - Page 53

Ella gestured to Tyler. “Angie Crighton, this is Tyler Dare. Tyler, this is my boss.”

Angie held out her manicured hand, her bangle bracelets jingling with the movement. “It’s lovely to meet you, Mr. Dare.”

“Likewise,” he said, looking Angie over in a very orchestrated, practiced manner, and Ella couldn’t help wondering what he saw beyond the cultured, refined, elegantly dressed woman.

“Are you Ella’s young man?” Angie asked.


“I’d like to think so,” Tyler said in a firm voice, cutting her off. “Ella just likes to keep her private life … private. So I understand your trip to St. Lucia was a success?”

Angie nodded, smoothing a hand over her platinum-colored hair, which had been pulled into a tight bun. “A very successful photo shoot.”

Ella agreed. “The pictures came out fabulous.”

“And we’ve gotten great placement in the spring magazines,” Angie said, sounding as pleased and proud as she had when she’d congratulated Ella on her role in securing the ads.

“Did you buy any good souvenirs?” Tyler asked Angie, causing Ella to narrow her gaze. “Unfortunately whatever Ella purchased was stolen during the mugging, but I understand the island is known for their beads and jewelry?”

Clearly, he knew something more than Ella did, and she wondered why he was not-so-subtly questioning her boss.

“Really? I wouldn’t know,” Angie murmured. “We were so busy shooting the entire time, I had no time to shop.”

“That’s too bad.” Tyler folded his arms over his chest. “I would bet an island like St. Lucia has gorgeous items. If you know where to look.”

Angie’s eyes narrowed to slits. She actually glared at Tyler before glancing at her watch. “It was nice mee

ting you, Mr. Dare, but I have a phone call I must make.” She quickly turned away and rushed back into her private office, slamming the door behind her.

“Hmm,” Tyler said. “It was almost as if she couldn’t get away fast enough.”

Ella retrieved her purse and hung the strap over her shoulder. “Angie is eccentric,” she said in a low whisper. “But you were digging. What’s going on?”

He grasped her elbow and led her out of the office and onto the street. As usual, the humid air hit her as soon as she exited. “I’ll tell you more when we’re in the car,” he said.

She waited, impatient and curious, until they were locked inside his vehicle, and she turned to face him. “Well?”

He blew out a long breath. “What is it?” she asked, hating being in the dark.

He shrugged. “According to Luke, your boss has been involved in shady black market deals. She’s bought stolen jewelry and sold it for an obscene profit. Her name is well-known in certain circles.”

“Angie?” she asked, processing the information and immediately denying it. “No.” Ella dismissed the possibility with a wave of her hand. “She’s impatient and, as I said, eccentric, but a thief? It’s just not possible.”

Tyler shot her a sympathetic look. “Luke is the best at what he does. If he says she’s dealing in stolen goods, she is.”

Ella glanced out the window at people walking by on the sidewalk. Ella wrinkled her nose, trying to imagine her older boss dealing with the kind of people necessary for illegal transactions. And couldn’t.

“Tyler, look, I understand you need to check all angles, but Angie?” She was cut off from saying more by the ring of his cell.

He hit the answer button, allowing the call to go to speakerphone in the car. “Dare here.”

“It’s Luke. The cops picked up someone lurking outside Ella’s apartment. They took him down to the local precinct.”

Goose bumps rose on her skin, and she shivered, but not from the car’s AC that Tyler had turned on.

“Finally, a real lead,” he muttered.

“You going to the police station?” Luke asked.

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare to Love Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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