Reservations - Page 95

Thane held his breath until Levi answered.

“Oh yeah, you don’t know everything that went down. Yes. The guy I’ve referenced owns the company I work for. We spent time together. I left that part out. It seems like we’ve been friends for a long time and you should just know that bit of intel.”

Thane closed his eyes and let those words help heal his fragile heart. Another altogether different problem came by way of his aching balls. His dick had given him hell since he’d made that dumbass move and left Levi alone in his bed. The damn thing hadn’t forgiven him since. He got a full-on hard-on about twenty times a day, which ironically was also the average number of messages they were now exchanging each day.

This time Thane chose to answer Levi’s question with sincere honesty. “Sounds like he’s into you, Levi. No way around it. If you’re still interested, I’d thank him in person.” Thane stopped himself from typing ‘by taking his ass’ and continued on with, “In person is always better.”

Several minutes passed with Levi not responding, and his dick had grown so fucking hard it hurt. Frustrated, Thane tossed the phone on the table, letting out a dramatic, somewhat disgusted groan. Maybe he’d messed up with that response, but damn, thinking about Levi taking his ass just did it for him.

“What’s happened?” Arik’s voice penetrated his haze. Thane looked around the room; all eyes except Arik’s were looking straight at him. “What’d I miss?”

“Something’s happened,” Reed answered Arik, that intense legal-eagle stare focused straight on Thane. The phone began rattling relentlessly on the table. Thane grabbed it, ignoring everyone else around him as he read Levi’s message.

“I don’t know. I worry he’d think he was buying me. He’s got money, and I think he prefers his relationships like that. I know that’s getting very personal, and I’m sorry if it crosses any line with you. He’s way more sophisticated than I am. He has money. I don’t, so I feel like I’m at a disadvantage.”

They had gone full circle, back to the root of the problem. It was do or die time for Thane. He stared at the screen, typing each word slowly, making sure he could truly handle what he was suggesting.

“You’re articulate, full of integrity, and genuinely a good person. Levi, your value is high. I feel certain he understands your position. Do something unexpected. Show him how you feel. Don’t overthink things. Just act on your instinct.”

Thane waited with bated breath; thank God Levi replied instantly. “You really think so?”

He barked out a humor-filled laugh as he typed. “Absolutely. What could it hurt? If you really like him, then take a chance.”

“Then I will. The next time I see him.” Levi’s declaration had Thane standing straight up from his chair. He didn’t say another word to Levi. Instead, he pulled up Jenna’s contact information and dialed her immediately. With the phone to his ear, he looked around the room at all the confused faces staring at him.

“I’ve got to run. I can finish this by phone…” He looked up at the overhead projector and got even more hopeful. “Unless we’re done?”

“We still have the final section,” the speaker announced.

“Dammit! I’m missing too much. Turn the monitor around so I can see Thane,” Arik called out. “What’s he doing?”

“He’s risen and I’m not entirely sure why,” Reed answered, turning the monitor so Arik could see.

“Give me five minutes to book this flight and call me. I’ll take the proposal with me,” Thane said, ignoring Arik who, for whatever reason, thought this moment was hilarious. His laughter could be heard from across the room. Thane grabbed his folder and pivoted on his heels, stalking from the room as he spoke to Jenna, requesting the next available flight to San Diego.

He was in his car, speeding toward the airport when she found one leaving in fifty-five minutes. Perfect! Thane stepped on the gas, forgetting about the meeting. He weaved in and out of traffic, taking the airport entrance and speeding to the parking terminal. He parked the car, then dodged his way through the crowded airport. Thane was the last one to board, so he gladly took the only seat left in the very back of the plane. Buckling himself in, he finally let himself consider his plan. A five-hour flight to spend time with Levi. This had to take desperation to a whole new level.


The oppressive fear that Levi had lived under for months was beginning to lift. Losing his father had been unbearable, but worrying he couldn’t live up to his dad’s final wishes was the heaviest weight he’d ever carried.

Finally, all the pieces of his life had begun to fall back in place. The earth and the stars had magically aligned at the same time. Logan had gotten permission to move up graduation if he could complete his final classes by the end of summer, and Luke’s grades were all back to a minimum of passing. The three of them had also met at the bank after school today, opening a joint account in all three of their names. He’d deposited his saved three thousand dollars plus the lump sum social security check that had arrived today in the mail.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024