Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 124

Morgan, stop!

I didn’t want to stop. It was the one time in my whole life I wanted to think about nothing else but continuing! Everything with me had always been about stopping short and weighing my options. About calculation and consequences. About being pragmatic, to a fault.

But not here. Not now.

A hand worked its way up my shirt. I welcomed that too. While down below…

Down below, he was pushing my thighs gently apart with one knee. Crushing his body against mine. Working his way between my legs…

Oh my God.

I could feel him now as a growing pressure, all swollen and excited and hard. He was crushing against me still, but now he’d begun this delicious grinding too. A slow thrust of his hips, jabbing forward and into me, as he continued kissing and licking and touching.

Our eyes locked, and he stared at me wordlessly, questioningly. Our connection was drawn out in the silence of one long, beautiful moment.

Then I nodded.

Oh Morgan…

A second later he shifted and I could feel his bare legs, warm against my skin. Flesh against flesh. The bulge trapped between us now hard and unyielding and achingly free.

And so very, very big.


I gasped as he entered me, pulling my panties to one side and burying himself in my warmth and depth. It felt magnificent. Like I was being made whole again. I clawed his back to bring him closer against me, savoring the hot feel of his chest against mine as the wind howled in protest, just above us.

It was crazy. Beyond crazy! Spreading my legs for this guy I just barely knew… screwing him in some hand-dug snow shelter, after surviving an avalanche.

Yet it was SO. FUCKING. GOOD.


I closed my eyes and clawed him tighter, reveling in the feel of having him so deep inside me. I could feel the big muscles of his back, all coiled beneath his skin. The two round globes of his beautiful ass, tensing and untensing as he drove in and out of me.

Morgan… this is wrong!

How many times had I told myself that? Too many, for sure. Because in all honesty, this wasn’t wrong. In fact, it felt nothing but right.

“Fuck me…”

I gasped and bit down on my tongue. Had I said those words? I had! And yet it was exactly what he was doing. The words should be no more shocking than the act itself, really. And the act…

I sighed and looked down. Yes.

I was definitely, definitely getting fucked.

“You’re so tight…”

I clutched his head between my breasts as he muttered the words. Spread my legs even wider, to draw him in deeper.

“God, you feel so amazing.”

My new lover fucked me slowly, deeply, getting the most out of every stroke. His cock was tantalizingly thick. It filled me perfectly, like we were meant to be connected.

And just outside — the snow. The sound of the wind, howling ferociously. As if it were looking for us… seeking us out. Two rogue escapees who’d slipped from its grasp.

I chewed my lip as he began screwing me faster, with even more speed and intensity. Somewhere beneath my naval, an orgasm was building. I could feel it forming, coalescing. Flowing out from between that sacred place between my legs in a wave of heat and lust and desire.

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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