Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 125

“Oh… Oh FUCK…”

I relished his scent, his heat, the feel of his body crushing against me, burrowing us into the snow. My pussy was impossibly wet. My clit — hot and swollen from the friction of our bodies rubbing so tightly together — suddenly felt like it was on fire.

You’re… You’re going to…

I gasped hard, unable to complete the sentence. Even internally.

You’re going to make…


My belly tightened as I exploded around him, losing myself in the fires of ecstasy. For several wonderful moments, everything went blissfully white. I saw stars. Actual stars… though the little hole cut above us, our only exposure to the outside world.


Over and over I spasmed, squeezing him with muscles I didn’t know I had. And then, just as I was coming down, I felt him pulsing inside me. His own inevitable climax, triggered by mine.


His grunt was primal and animalistic. It originated from some deep, guttural place that I could somehow feel — somehow share with him — even if only for these few glorious moments.


My hands found their way to the back of his head. I clawed him hard as he came, pulling his hair. Digging my nails into his neck as he kept on pumping, filling me with his seed.


The voice was a scream now, a warning shriek that came far too late. A lamentation of my lack of protection, or at the very least, the loss of my innocence.

Yes, I’d had boyfriends. Yes, they’d fucked me.

But until now… until this moment?

No one had ever come inside me before.

Oh my God.

My legs were like jelly. They trembled uncontrollably, still wrapped around him. Everything was so incredibly wet, but deliciously hot too. So warm. So wonderful…

For a while I just lay there in absolute contentment, purring like a kitten. Feeling each gentle bounce as my gorgeous hero spent every last ounce of himself inside me. When he was finally done he looked down, and I gave him a smile. Then we kissed and kissed and kissed some more.

“I’m Shane by the way,” he told me sweetly, breathing his name into my mouth.

I smiled wickedly and sighed.

“I’m Morgan.”



She slept soundly, nestled against my chest, ensconced in our little bubble of body heat. To be honest, the snow shelter had kept us much warmer than I ever imagined. I’d built quite a few back in Minnesota, just for fun.

But I’d never slept in one. Or fucked in one, either.

It was almost surreal, the way things worked out. The way we’d fallen into each other’s arms for warmth, for comfort, and then for something we needed a little bit more, too.

But hey, we were in college. Hormones and all of that. Even so, I got the impression she was a girl who didn’t do this often. If she even did it at all.

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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