Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 126

That part was endearing to me. That this cute girl I’d almost been buried alive with had opened up to me in ways she didn’t normally. And she was beautiful, inside and out. Soft amber hair, the color of sunset. Full, plump lips I could kiss all day.

And blue-green eyes. Oh, man. Those fucking eyes…

It was those damn eyes that had gotten me where I was. And where I was, right now at least, was fucked.

More like doubly fucked.

I didn’t know whether to kick my own ass or chuckle at my own cleverness.

The wind whistled and I glanced outside. A huge part of me was still very worried. The storm still hadn’t let up, and if anything, it had gotten worse. They’d be looking for us though. They had to be.


In truth I didn’t know. We were on the ass end of the mountain, on a trail I wasn’t sure was even a trail. I didn’t see a sign, a marker, anything at all. In fact, Jeremy had even laughed at me when I—


My lover stirred sleepily, her cheek warm against my chest. There was a contented smile on her face. But it was a smile that quickly faded as she glanced around, and realized where we still were.

She bolted upright, “W—Wait. What time is it?”


She frowned. “Ha ha.”

“No really,” I shrugged. “I have no fucking clue. The sky is grey, that’s all I know. Bright grey instead of darker grey, which I guess would be morning.”

She peered outside, through the one tiny window of our little hollowed-out space. Everything was white and grey and blowing snow.

“We have to get out there,” she said. “We have to be seen!”

I shook my head. “No one’s gonna see us in this.”

She looked troubled, and a little crease formed between her eyes. It was adorable actually.

“But we can’t stay here,” she said, a little more frantically. She started to separate from me, and realized we were still practically naked. “We… uh…”

“We have to get dressed,” I finished for her, “and make our way down the mountain while we can still see something.”

Morgan nodded rapidly. She looked happy about my plan.

“So let’s uh… get ourselves situated.”

I pulled my boxers back up my legs, and settled my ski pants around my waist. Hers were still shredded in the front; two big tears from hip to ankle, courtesy of whatever rocks she’d happened to skid across during all the craziness. But those rips and tears had sure come in handy last night.

“D—Did you want your jacket back?” she asked, fixing herself.


She smiled uneasily. “Good.”

Eventually we were face to face again, for the first time since last night. Staring at each other uncertainly.

“Listen uh… Shane?”


Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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