Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22) - Page 69

This time he took it as she meant it. "What can I say, my lady? You're such an onerous burden. The sooner I'm away, the better."

Laughing, she took her basket and pole from him.

He cupped her face in both of his hands and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Be safe, my heart."

"You, too." Bethany waited for a few more seconds before she laughed. "Hector? I can't leave if you don't let me go."

"Sorry." He forced himself to release her. "I will see you later, my lady. But never soon enough to suit me."

"Good night, my fair prince. Until I feel you again."

Her parting words made him suck his breath in. She had no idea how close to the truth she was.

Still, Styxx didn't move until he watched her vanish into the woods. Only then did he swing himself up to the back of his horse and turn toward home.

What he didn't want to scare her with was the fact that he knew war was coming soon. His father and advisors had been preparing for it for weeks now. All their allies were rallying for the march to the south.

And when it came, he could have to go fight it.

While he wasn't afraid, he didn't look forward to the days of not seeing his Bethany.

Would she wait for him, or would he be forgotten as soon as he left?

August 19, 9532 BC

Shocked and confused, Bethany paused outside her temple in Katateros as she saw Archon with Apollo.

A Greek god in their sacred lands?

It was forbidden. Of course it'd been forbidden by Archon, but still ...

Why would a Greek god be here? It was as shocking as one of them going to Mount Olympus for tea. Normally whenever they had business with Apollo, it was conducted in one of their temples in Atlantis.

Curious, she walked closer to them to see what was going on. Like her, Apollo was said to be born of more than one pantheon. There were several contradictory stories about the identity of his mother, and the Greek god had never owned up to any of them. He enjoyed the mystique of it all.

One of the stories would make him her cousin through her father's family. But she didn't think he really had Egyptian blood in him. If he did, she should be able to perceive it. All she'd ever sensed from the Greek was a vicious streak of cruelty that made her wonder how his people ever thought him benevolent.

Obviously, he didn't let the Greek humans see him often, or they'd know better.

"You are well aware of my feelings on this," Apollo said to Archon. "If you want to attack Greece, you have my full backing."

Archon held his hand up to keep Apollo from saying anything more. "Who goes there?"

She stepped out of the shadows.

Both of the gods breathed in relief, which made her all the more curious. Why would they welcome her presence when it was obvious they were conspiring something?

Bethany moved to stand beside Archon. "What are you two talking about?"

Archon glanced to Apollo before he answered. "War."

That was always one of her favorite topics. People were never more honest than when they were fighting for their lives. Cowards were exposed and heroes sprang from the unlikeliest of places.

Apollo crossed his arms over his chest. "I was just telling your uncle, that as always, I would fully back Atlantis in the coming conflict with Greece. I haven't forgotten how your people welcomed mine in when Zeus ordered my Apollites killed. It's a debt I will always be loyal to and respect."

The Apollites were the race Apollo had created after a disagreement with his father over mankind. Taller and stronger than humans, and possessing advanced psychic abilities, the Apollites had quickly decided to subjugate their Greek brethren. Something Zeus had taken offense to. He'd ordered Apollo to kill his "children" and Apollo had adamantly refused.

Feeling sorry for them, the Atlanteans had opened their doors to the Apollites, who had become "model" citizens for Atlantis. As a result, the relations between Greece and Atlantis had been strained ever since. And it'd left Apollo with loyalties to both pantheons and nations.

So far, he'd always sided with them over the Greeks, but Bethany still didn't trust him. She suspected his only real loyalty was to Apollo and no one else....

There was just something about him that had always made her skin crawl. An innate distaste.

"Just tell me what you need and I will do my best to make it happen," Apollo assured him. "Now I'd best return before I'm missed and the other Olympians wonder where I've gone." He vanished.

Bethany narrowed her gaze at her uncle. "We've barely had a truce with Greece. I thought you wanted it maintained."

"That was before Apollymi hid a baby in their ranks. He should be old enough to fight now. I'm hoping he'll be among the Greek soldiers we kill, especially if we attack the whole of Greece. Our primary targets will be their royals and noblemen. No one will think it odd if they all die in battle, or as a result of conquest."

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024