Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22) - Page 70

Insidious ...

Frowning, Bethany tried to make sense of the emotions she felt from him. "Apostolos is your son, Archon, can't you-"

"He's not my son. That's the problem."

She froze at those growled words. "What do you mean?"

He lowered his voice. "After the debacle of Apollymi's firstborn, we all decided that I was to marry her and keep her happy. As you know, I am not barren, and neither is she. I've purposefully kept her from conceiving. And the fact that I don't know who the father of her bastard is..."

Oh crap. She stared incredulously. "You honestly have no idea who fathered him?"

"No. Most likely it would be one of her Charontes or another god." The Charontes were Apollymi's army of demons. Morally ambiguous, they were absolute killing machines with the powers of gods. To mix one of those with Apollymi's powers and with her army to back him ...

Yes, that would be a very bad thing.

"Why haven't you told the others?"

Archon's nostrils flared. "No one can ever know that he's not mine. Can you imagine what they might do out of fear?"

He had a point. Even gods were known to panic. And this situation was highly panic-worthy.

An unknown rogue god with no known loyalty and an army of morally ambiguous demons to command ... Scary stuff, that.

Archon's eyes darkened to red. "I don't care if we have to slaughter every Greek prince of his generation, her son has to die before his powers are unleashed."

As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. "Then I will back this war with you."

"Thank you. And I can trust in your discretion?"

"Of course."

Inclining his head to her, Archon returned to his temple.

Bethany swept her gaze over the breathtaking landscape of Katateros, which had been the home of the Atlantean gods since before the dawn of human time.

Counted among the oldest of gods, Apollymi was a mighty force that only one other had ever been able to fight with success-a goddess that had long ago vanished.

And after all these centuries, Bethany finally understood Apollymi's temperament and motivation. First, for the husband she'd once loved who had betrayed her with other lovers. Second, for the loss of two sons. It wasn't until Hector that Bethany had any real knowledge of love. If he were to touch another woman ...

She would gut him where he stood.

That being said, she could think of no sweeter gift than to have a baby with him. Strange how she'd never wanted one before. She'd always found children whiny and gross. Odious. Little tyrants who needed to be locked up until they became human.

But now ...

She would love to have a little blond baby to hold and love. One with its father's quick witticisms and soft curls. And if she were ever so lucky as to have one, she would annihilate anyone who threatened it.

Just like Apollymi.

Honestly, the thought of killing the goddess's son didn't sit well with her. It never had. But sometimes the one had to be sacrificed for the many.

Or did it?

Maybe, just maybe there was another way out for all of them.

August 20, 9532 BC

Styxx stood behind his father as his uncle rode through the palace gates with his friends. His blood ran cold at the sight of his uncle's entourage and what it meant for him.

Panic, cold and brutal, gripped him and it took everything he had not to run and bolt himself into his room. Only the knowledge that his father would batter down the door and beat him for it kept him where he was.

Estes dismounted and rushed to embrace his father. "Xerxes! It's so good to see you again."

"And you, my brother. A pleasure as always."

Estes walked up the three steps to pull Styxx into his arms. "How's my favorite stallion?" he whispered in his ear. "Are you ready to ride?"

Styxx would have shoved him away, but Estes held him too tightly.

Kissing him on his cheeks, Estes stepped back so that he could return to his father's side.

Styxx refused to look at the men who'd traveled with his uncle. He had no wish to see their faces or the hunger he was sure darkened their gazes. Nor did he pay attention when his uncle introduced them.

His father threw his arm over his uncle's shoulders. "I can't tell you how glad I am that you're here. Even more so than normal."

"How so?"

"I have to journey to Thessaly in the morning and I didn't want to leave Styxx alone for so long."

Styxx stumbled at that.

His father scowled at him. "Are you all right?"

Fuck no. Literally.

Styxx glared at his father. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I only found out two days ago and didn't want to worry you." Against his will, Styxx glanced to his uncle. The lascivious light in Estes's eyes nauseated him. "I'll be more than happy to stay as long as you need me to, brother."

Of course you would, you sick bastard.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024