A Kingdom of Ruin (Deliciously Dark Fairytales 3) - Page 111

A hot and uncomfortable feeling unfurled in my middle. Micah turned to Ami, but I was already reacting. I would not tolerate someone browbeating people who were helping me.

“Enough,” I barked, and a surge of my power cut through the backyard. Leaves tumbled across the ground, caught up in the force of my will. The pots swung and bumped, and Ami took a step back with widened eyes.

I took a deep breath and laid my hand on Micah’s arm.

“Sorry, I know you’re trying to do what’s best for me, but I’m fine. It’s not them, it’s my dragon. She’s a shithead at the best of times, and her new goal is apparently to master flying in just a few days. It’s nearly impossible to control her. If you paired us with new people, we’d get everyone in trouble and probably end up with a bunch of dead kid-dragons. She’s not to be trusted.”

He shook his head slowly. “At least bring Tamara and Lucille up with you.” He looked to Ami. “They’ll have a little more care to keep you safe.”

“I have no desire to bring strange dragons into the sky with me,” Ami said loftily. “I took her up simply because I was curious, and now I find it humorous. We fly, and then we work the plants. There is no cause for alarm.”

That was a white lie, since my dragon repeatedly smashing into the side of a mountain and then tumbling nearly to the ground was some cause for alarm, but I didn’t mention it. Micah was already riled up enough.

This place was what we both needed right now.

I untied my apron and handed it over to Ami. “Thanks, for both your curiosity and your good humor. I don’t much care why you’ve helped me—I’m grateful for it.”

Ami took the apron slowly. Her gaze flicked to Micah and then back. Something sparked in her eyes. A sort of hunger for excitement. For challenge.

“You know…” she said softly. “I happen to have a practice dagger lying around. And a few practice swords. If you think that dragon of yours wants to let out a little rage, I’m sure Claudile and I could spark you up a bit tomorrow. I’m interested to see what a scrappy little dragon who grew up in a hard life can do when pushed.”

Something about the look in her eyes and the power curling around her made my heart speed up and excitement drum through me. My dragon pushed closer to the surface, straining to get out, liking what she heard.

A little smile curved Ami’s lips. She nodded, almost imperceptibly.

“Waste of time,” Claudile grumbled, but I could hear the excitement in her tone, too. The eagerness to get fighting. To draw blood.

Maybe dragons were crazy, but fuck it if I didn’t want to play.

I couldn’t keep the grin from my face as Hannon rose from his chair and met me at the gate.

“Don’t bring anyone,” Ami called as we left and joined Micah on the lane. “Just you. And your brother.”

Micah shook his head a little as we headed back to the village center. “I wonder what her interest is in you. She’s known to everyone, but the three of them usually keep to themselves, and Ami only trains and flies beside a select few dragons. Allowing you two in is…unusual.” He glanced back, his expression troubled.

I shrugged. “I kinda forced my company on her.”

“Tending the plants, yeah.” Micah scratched his chin. “That’s probably it. She has a higher regard for those who do it well, and she is generally thought to be the best. She’s a good person to learn from.”

I crinkled my nose, indignation running through me. Regardless of my comparative youth, I was a master, same as them. I’d had to be.

Not like he would have any way of knowing that, I supposed. Before meeting me, he hadn’t known what crowded everlass could do. He hadn’t realized the significance of me knowing about it, and how even that set me apart from other dragons.

“Any news?” Hannon asked Micah.

“Not yet. They’ve heard my story, and the other escapees are spreading the same tale in their villages. Word is circulating, and there can be no doubt we’re telling the truth. There can be no doubt that the demons pose a problem to all of us, but we’re not the authority in this kingdom. To get the kingdom behind us, we need to appeal to the king and queen, and that will take weeks. Their deliberation will take even longer.”

“We don’t have weeks,” I said.

“We don’t, no.” Micah looked down on me as we neared the tavern. He stopped. “They are discussing two courses of action. The first is to send a representative to the king and queen to tell our story, and Elex has stepped forward. Given the look of him, he’s good for the role. The second is to help you. We’ve been spreading word that we’re going to help a fallen dragon kingdom in the clutches of sex-trafficking demons, and all volunteers are welcome. They’ve been warned that it will be dangerous.”

Tags: K.F. Breene Deliciously Dark Fairytales Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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