A Kingdom of Ruin (Deliciously Dark Fairytales 3) - Page 112

“That warning was probably a highlight for them,” Hannon said.

Micah laughed. “For many it was, yes. Vemar has not been quiet about his experiences. He’s taking Hadriel’s approach to the whole thing and shocking everyone with his directness. When they get over their shock, they listen, and surprise turns to rage.”

“What’s our timeline?” I asked.

Micah shook his head. “I don’t know yet. You have to remember that this is all new information for everyone here. We’ve only been here a few days, and most can’t seem to focus on the name Wyvern. I can’t. The curse or the magic is making it hard for us to discuss the situation. But we are mobilizing. You will have aid from us as well as the wolves and faeries. They’ll turn up.”

“Worst case,” Hannon said, “we force Govam to take down the magical locks on the portals and go that way.”

“If Dolion hasn’t gotten rid of the portals entirely. The officers aren’t around to make him new creations to send through. Why keep them open?”

“Because he needs a doorway, and that is it,” Hannon replied. “Otherwise he’d have to strip all the magic keeping Wyvern separate, and then what good is a curse?”

He was right. I knew he was right.

I nearly turned and went back to the everlass field and Ami’s house. I wanted to check on the elixir and then ask if they needed help with anything else. Anything to take my mind off my current situation.

Micah’s comforting hand drifted to my shoulder. “It’ll be okay,” he said softly. Shivers coated my body. “We’ll get through this. We’ll save your kingdom.” He hesitated for a moment. “If you want to come by my house…to get your mind off things, you’re welcome. It was left vacant. It’s still a little dusty, but it must be nicer than a tavern. I can make you a hot meal, and you can stretch out near the fire.”

Heat sparked in his eyes. Warmth soaked into my flesh from where his hand rested on my shoulder and then wormed through my body. My stomach fluttered and my heart started to quicken, making it a little difficult to breathe.

I blinked up at him, confused, shaken by my body’s reaction to his proximity and the heat pulsing off him. His power flirted with my dragon, drawing her closer to the surface, making her purr in appreciation.

A moment later, a strange feeling trickled through the bond, a mix of rage and understanding. Nyfain and his dragon sensed our reaction and knew it was to another man—his possessive dragon wanted to squash the threat to his claim.

Alarm replaced the heat, and I stepped back, dislodging the hand on my shoulder.

In another situation, sure, I would have been happy to get to know Micah. He seemed steadfast and loyal, and he clearly had the potential to excite my dragon. But Nyfain had my heart, and so I had zero interest in anyone else. I didn’t understand the stomach fluttering or the heat worming through my veins. I didn’t get why my body was reacting so differently than my head and heart.

A troubling thought occurred to me. Weren’t my head and heart opposed to Nyfain at the beginning, too? I hadn’t even wanted to get to know the guy at first. I’d wanted nothing more than to get away! But my body and dragon had kept yanking me toward him.

I blew out a breath. Before I could gently turn Micah down, he murmured, “Think about it,” then continued on.

Hannon edged closer. “He’s strong and capable.”

I furrowed my brow, watching the large dragon’s confident strut as he disappeared into the heart of the village. People nodded at him with smiles or bent their heads in respect.


“And should you see a fork in the road, romantically speaking, he’d be a good choice.”

Anger rose, hot and heavy. I squished it down before I did something I would regret. Hannon could certainly handle violence, but he really only engaged in it to protect his family or friends. It was a tool for him, not a crutch. He didn’t reach for it to cover tumultuous emotions like I did. Like the other dragons seemed to. He used words.

I made a disgruntled sound and kicked the dirt for a little release. Unfortunately, I only succeeded in hurting my toe.

“It’s just…” I gritted my teeth, hating to even admit to this. “Okay, here’s the thing. I’m not interested. I’m not! Only…my stomach flutters, and sometimes I get tingly, and just now there was some heat happening…” I popped out a hip, uncomfortable with the situation, with myself, and also with Micah. My mixed-up feelings scared me. “At first my dragon had a lot to say about the attention he was giving us. She was pissed, and steadfast, and gleeful when Nyfain’s dragon rose through the bond, pulsing out power and rage and dominance. But…not anymore, for some reason. She just fucking purred! I don’t want Micah, and she didn’t want Micah, but my body is betraying my mind. I just don’t get it. He’s not our true mate. He’s not Nyfain. I love Nyfain, unquestioningly. Unconditionally. He’s it for me. He’s all I want. So what the fuck is happening with my fucking body, you know?”

Tags: K.F. Breene Deliciously Dark Fairytales Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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