Mated Enemies - Page 97

My mouth fell open in wonder at the watermelon sized lotus and lilies that ran along the banks of the water on either side. I’ve never seen anything this beautiful. The colors were some I’d never seen before and could not name. But the pinks, purples and blues were outstanding.

I was almost at the gazebo when I heard the voices and came up short. Crap, someone else had beaten me to this perfect spot. It’s just the kind of place I could see myself relaxing with a good book maybe, or an early morning swim. I haven’t had one of those since we came here.

I felt that same nauseous feeling again, like I was going to be sick and rubbed my tummy soothingly. I made to turn around and leave before disturbing whoever it was that had found solace here, but the next words that reached me stopped me dead in my tracks.

“There’s no need to worry milady, remember how easy it was to run her off with just a few words? She ran like a scared little rabbit. I think your idea of making her stay here uncomfortable will work.”

“Yes, but Lucien hasn’t left her side since that first day, he’s always with her, fawning over her…”

“Yes, but that just shows how weak she is. She’s certainly no match for you.”

My brow was almost in my hairline by this point. Just who… oh yes, how could I have forgotten? Instead of leaving like I’d planned to I eased even closer to get a good look at just who was talking. I’d only met one other person here but I wanted to be sure. And I also needed to know who she was that she had such a hate on for me.

I expect that not everyone would approve of our union, but why would a sister or cousin care this much? I got a look at the back of her but from he hair coloring and the body I was sure it was her, the one who’d ran me off from the throne room.

“You’re right she’s not. She’s not even half as beautiful as I am.”

Oh? I think I know where this is going, that’s no cousin or female relative, silly me. I listened quietly as the two of them continued to plot against me before turning to leave again. I’d learned all I needed to know in the last ten minutes. Now to decide what I want to do about this little blip in paradise.


I beat Lucien back to the palace by five minutes. That little conversation had killed any desire I had to go exploring on my own. Junior was doing jumping jacks in my tummy and I wasn’t sure what it was that he wanted because all he’s been doing for the last little while before this is eating and sleeping.


“Uh-oh!” I flew onto the bed and under the covers snapping my eyes shut as soon as he opened the bedroom door. I’m getting to know his tones and that one did not bode well. He couldn’t possibly know that I’d snuck out of the house, could he?

Drats, I keep forgetting that he can read my mind and more importantly that these days he sticks to me like a second layer of skin. You’d think that he’d lighten up since we were here on his home front, but he only seems to be getting worst. I thought for sure I’d be safe this time though since I’d been asleep when he left.

I felt his weight as he laid down next to me but fought hard to keep a straight face as I feigned sleep. “I know you’re awake and I know you just got back. Your son already told me what you’ve been up to.”


That one had me sitting up, all pretense gone. I looked down at my tummy ready to give Junior a tongue-lashing. ‘Snitch!’ I sent him that message while smiling sweetly at his father who looked like his fire breathing counterpart.

“Good job Natalia, you’ve just cost your guards their heads.”

“Say what now?” I made a grab for him when he got up off the bed. “You can’t be serious, it’s not their fault.” He wouldn’t really would he?

I got off the bed in something close to terror as he kept going, dragging me along with him to the door since I refused to let go. “Lucien, you can’t.” Think fast Nat or he’s really going to have those poor people beheaded. I haven’t the first clue how to handle pissed off vampyre, so far this whole collaboration has been learn as you go.

I guess I should’ve expected this side of him, the cold distant bloodless ghoul, to appear at some point. From the way he looked at me just then I think I messed up and he read that thought as well. “Really?” He raised that brow which I’m pretty much sure is the harbinger of doom.

Tags: Jordan Silver Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024