Mated Enemies - Page 98

“I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it I swear. Umm…” I looked around the room as if searching for answers. “Ohhh!” I put one hand to my forehead and dropped the other from his arm, wrapping it around my middle.

I think the kid sighed or shook his head or something. I’m not quite sure about his signals yet since he and I don’t yet share the same clear communication he has with his dad, which I think is so not fair, but I digress.

My little plan seemed to work because before the ohhh could die on my lips he was lifting me in his arms and taking me back to bed, his voice full of concern. You best believe I worked it for all it was worth. I did not want to be responsible for some poor sap losing his head less than a week after I came here.

“What is it? What hurts? Let me see…” He put the back of his hand to my forehead while trying to get my hand away from my tummy with the other so he could check for himself. “You sure? Nothing hurts? You’re not uncomfortable?” I started to answer him and then I realized he wasn’t talking to me.

So I laid there and listened to him have a running conversation with my tummy. I knew they were talking because I kept hearing that strange buzzing that wasn’t quite words to me, but was perfectly clear to his dad. “Okay, I’ll calm down!”

Thank you Junior for whatever you said to Vlad the impaler…

“How dare you? He came long after me, and he was not one of us. Just a very pissed off human who lost his mind when the love of his life was taken from him.”

He said that last part with a whole lot of emphasis, like it was some kind of warning. “You’re not to go off on your own again; understood?” Is he talking to me or the kid? Because that sounded more like something you’d say to a three year old.

“But you said I could walk around…. Okay I promise-I promise- I promise.” My full pouty face didn’t work because he was trying to leave again to go bring death and destruction to those poor clueless people who didn’t even know that I’d left the palace.

“I saw the peacocks earlier and got distracted. What did he tell you anyway? Junior I mean.”

“Nice try but you can’t see them from here.” I didn’t have an answer for that one and since I couldn’t feign sick again because his big-headed son had already spilled the beans I just kept my lips zipped and hoped for the best. At least he was no longer giving off killer vibes.

Oh I know! “What’s the matter now?” He rested on his elbow next to me on the bed and I gave him the most pitiful look.

“Nothing!” My pouty bottom lip was back in service but she was not the main attraction this time around.

I rubbed a light circle around my nipple with my finger and looked up at him with wide innocent eyes. “It hurts!” His eyes were glued to the action. “What do you mean hurts? Hurts how?” He pushed my finger out of the way and took over the job of soothing my imaginary pain.

I laid back and let him have at it when he started moving my clothes out of the way. I figured once he got me naked his horn dog would kick in and we’d have averted disaster. Yep! No sooner had he pushed the dress and robes off in haste than he was staring down at my nipple.

I didn’t move, didn’t even breathe for the first few seconds in fact. But I’m glad we were in this weird place because had we not been I wouldn’t have gotten to see the way he truly looks at me. What started out, as my half ditched effort to save a few lives, quickly became something else.

His touch was light as a whispered sound on the wind when he ran just the pad of his fingertip around the turgid morsel that had come alive that quickly for him. “Does it still hurt?” I could only shake my head at him when he looked at me with such concern in his eyes.

And when he lowered his head with the words, ‘I’ll make it all better’ I damn near swooned at the feel of his lips wrapping around my flesh seconds later. It was the incisors, what once put fear and dread in me, was now something that gave me great pleasure.

Now here’s where things became a little bit murky. Lucien the dog has been trying to get me to try new things, things a girl has not been ready to even think about doing. So when I felt the slightest touch of his finger against my tight little rosebud my eyes flew wide open.

Tags: Jordan Silver Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024