Let Me Stay - Page 13

I am not sure I slept last night, at least I do not remember it. I just kept thinking how terrible it would be to lose him now. I do not know any men who built their business from the ground up with nothing but hard work and dedication that would willingly attach themselves to the mafia. While I do not for a second regret the night I spent with Brendan, I regret that I did not give him the opportunity to decide for himself if a mafia princess is exactly what he wants. Silent tears slide down my cheeks as I stare at Brendan for the longest time before getting out of bed. I desperately need some clothes, but I will have to make do with what I have. Even if this does not work out like I pray that it does, I’m done with Atlantic City. I do not even want to get my stuff from there, but I’m sure I can get Bella to come with me and get my things,

Heading straight for the bathroom, I turn on the shower. I am sore in places I did not know that I had, but it is a pleasant sort of pain. While I do not want to wash the scent of him off of me, I know that I need to. Stepping under the hot spray, I stand there and let it ease the tension in my muscles. Cleaning up and getting out takes no more than ten minutes. Semi wrapped in a towel, I walk to the living room where I tossed my purse last night and get my brush. I am going home today. I can’t not do my hair another day. The tangles will never come out if I leave it alone.

Grabbing my cell phone, I sink onto the leather sofa and brush my hair while going through my messages. Lots from work, but I ignore those. I am never going back there. Two more from my mom. I decide that I better call her back. Dialing her number, I wait while it rings.

“Brynn Gabriella Vitali,” she shouts loud enough that I have to pull the phone away from my ear for a second.

“Mamma,” I say exasperated.

“Don’t you use that tone of voice with me, missy. The deal when you left was you answer the damn phone when I call. I called three times total without a callback. Now, what was so important that you could not talk to your mother?”

“I met a man, mamma.”

“A man?”

“Yes. He’s a good man.”

“That’s good. Where are you?”

“Manhattan,” I reply honestly. There is no use lying. If Fawn Vitali is asking the question, she already knows the answer. I learned that the hard way over the years.

“So close?” she says.

“I know. I’m coming home soon, I promise. But in the meantime, can one of the guys bring me some clothes? I need everything, including a hairdryer and flat iron.”

“Of course. Let me get a pen,” she says. I can hear her rooting around before she comes back to the phone. “Address?”

“425 Madison Avenue, apartment 2705.”

“I will send Aaron. Your uncle benched him after an unfortunate incident. He’ll be happy with anything.” Ugh. Aaron Bianchi is such a fucking perv. He was always trying shit with Bella and me, not to mention my cousins.

“Fine, but can you pick out the clothes, or Bella if you do not have time?” I ask.

“Of course, like I would let him root around in your underwear drawer,” she says, laughing.

“Thanks, Mamma. I will see you soon.”

“Alright. Answer your phone when I call and bring your man to dinner soon.”

“I would like to see where it is going first, and then I will bring him.”

“Very well. Love you, Princessa.”

“Love you more, Mamma,” I say just like I always do and hang up.

“Dinner?” Brendan’s sleep filled voice sounds from behind me, startling me.

“You scared me, Brendan,” I say, standing up.

“Sorry, Cherry. What about dinner?”

“My mom. She wants you to come to a family dinner,” I tell him.

“You told your mom about me?”

“Of course. I do not like to lie either.”

“What did you say?”

“That I wanted to see where this goes first.”

“That’s logical, but where do you think this is headed?” he asks, stepping closer and closer to me until there is very little space between us.

“I do not know,” I answer hesitantly. I know where I want it to go, but I do not want to seem crazy.

“Yes, you do, Brynn. I told you last night. This, right here, is forever. My cum inside of your womb sealed that deal. Are you even on birth control?”

“No,” I breathe, my hands starting to sweat.

“Good. I will always take you bare, filling you with my seed, breeding you.”

“Promise?” I ask, surprising myself.

“Guaranteed,” he replies, then his lips are on mine again.

Tags: M.K. Moore Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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